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Social Solutions For Social Media Agencies

22 July 2019

While it seems a bit bizarre that one social media company would require the services from another, this blog proves that your biggest rival isn't your competitors, but is in fact time. 
Fighting against time is the most common issue across all companies in any industry. When not used efficiently it can limit a business’ scalability and directly influences their profit margin. Automatic scheduling of content is one way for any business to improve their utilisation of time, but particularly for social media companies as this allows them to produce higher amounts of content within a smaller time period. 

But there are many time-saving software options available to businesses, so which one do you choose?

You’d want to find a solution that is purely designed to be 100% efficient with no meaningless features. Ideally, this solution would be supplemented with a high level of customer service and real-time tech support such as a person at the end of the phone so you can make inquiries without too much hassle.
Just imagine how beneficial a solution like this would be to your business? You’d be able to focus on doing what you do best rather wasting time scheduling content for the next month.
A solution like this actually exists. At Gather Social, we have developed our own software delivery solution allowing our team to focus purely on creating winning campaigns back by data. 
How do we know this can benefit your business? Because we’ve seen it in our own performance. As social media companies know well, we’re constantly fighting a war: Content uploading vs time. 
The only way to succeed is by streamlining your delivery service of content through automated scheduling, this allows us to work on a client’s campaigns months in advance. By using this approach we have been able to increase our revenue by 500% without drastically increasing our headcount and has also freed up 95% of our time by reducing unnecessary digital admin.
But don’t just take it from us, we were also able to help another social media company with the formatting and delivery of their creative campaigns. They also saw massive improvements, as the numbers speak for themselves:

    • 300% - increased revenue in 2 years


    • Saved 1560 hours a year scheduling 


    • Able to offer new services to clients  

This shows that it doesn’t matter what type of business you are, we’re confident you’ll be able to see better results with our software on your side.  Find out more about how Gather Social can support you by getting in contact with us today. You can drop us an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or give us a call on 0115 8374750.
Want to learn more? Check out our top tips for social media agencies to be successful on social media.