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According to Impact, an overwhelming 77% of Internet users regularly read blog posts. You don’t want to miss out on reaching this dedicated audience!

Well-written blogs are a marketing tactic that can truly help your business grow. A blog consisting of good SEO can reach and impact your audience through the effective use of target keywords, this ensures it’s ranked highly in search engines. At Gather Social, we can help you with blogs; from writing to generating topics and blog management. We can find blog topics that capture both your audience and sell your brand and then write them to truly capture your company’s voice and vision. We’ll upload these to your website, and promote them on social media to boost your web traffic.

How will Gather make your life better?

  • We approach blog writing with creativity and confidence.

  • Here at Gather, we use SEO expertise.

  • We do the work, saving you time.

  • Each creative has experience with a range of clients.

  • Our blogs sell your company whilst sharing information.

Not got the knowledge?

Knowing what SEO words and phrases work best in Google can be challenging, it’s something that you, an owner of a business, shouldn’t need to be constantly aware of. That’s why our team is here, to do this for you and do it effectively. Allow us to take control, and wait for the benefits!

Not got the time?

Writing, detailed and targeted blog copy can be a lengthy and time-consuming process, especially if you don’t know where to start. At Gather, our blogs are expertly written with SEO and targets in mind, allowing them to meet and exceed your expectations and needs. Sit back and relax, letting us write your blogs effectively.

Our Blog Services

  • Blog writing

  • Blog topic generation

  • Blog management

Our Clients

Take a look at what some our existing clients have to say.

“My experience of working with Gather Social for our blog writing and management has been exceptional! They have been great at continually producing expert-level posts and bringing a new level of traffic to my website.” 

- James Stewart - Chief Operating Officer, at The Macildowie Group

    Here to Help

    Here at Gather, we want to assist you with your blogs. Our creative team can find relevant topics, and write engaging and accurate blogs with SEO to both increase traffic and sales. We can also manage your blog across your website and social channels, to ensure it reaches its full potential. Using blog content on social media will allow your blog and business to be discovered, even more, and this boosts your social media presence too. This will drive longer-term results as well, establishing your organisation as both authentic and trustworthy.

    What’s the next step?

    What else can I do? Strong, original copy is key to a well-performing website. Here at Gather, we can help you with this by writing high-quality, well-performing copy for your entire website to meet the needs of your company and your customers.