What are the key marketing dates in March 2023?

03 March 2023

Spring is just around the corner, and so are so many more exciting key marketing dates! By reading this blog you’ll be able to note down some important tips for your business's marketing strategy, as well as find out how you can make your company look more attractive to prospective talent and customers. 

So get your notebook out and pay attention.


Women’s History Month:
1st-31st March

March is a big month for women throughout all societies. Women’s history month is an important one for the equality calendar. It is a month dedicated to recognising the achievements and struggles women have faced throughout history. This is a key marketing date to be aware of and bring attention to throughout your company. By celebrating this day you’ll show your customers and employees that you support this vital movement for equality. A movement that is still being fought today.

To learn more about Women’s History Month, click here.

Further carry on the celebration for International Women’s Day on the 8th of March.

World Wildlife Day
3rd March

It has become apparent that the way we live isn’t kind to our environment or the animals that we share the earth with. If we continue to live the way we do, it continues to threaten many species’ existence. This is an important topic to be discussed on World Wildlife Day. 

We should use World Wildlife Day to speak about how we can change our ways to save the world’s wildlife, it is also an opportunity to celebrate the beauty of each form wildlife comes in from animals to insects to plants. 

It really is time to step up. You can easily get involved in World Wildlife Day by bringing some important facts to your customers and employees' knowledge or speaking about ways that your business can be more sustainable.

To find out more ways to get involved, click here.

Hashtags: #WorldWildlifeDay #Nature

Mothers Day
19th March

Mother’s Day is celebrated throughout the world, and the important thing to remember is that it doesn’t always have to be your mum! This is your chance to show your appreciation, your love, acknowledgment, and thanks. Many countries celebrate this through different dates, so ensure you’ve got the right date depending on where you are, but for the UK it’s the 19th of March.

For companies, this is your chance to make some sales. Use this day for discounts or putting on a special event for mothers. On your social media, wish everyone a happy mother’s day and ask your employees to share their appreciation for a special woman in their life. 

However, something that has come to our attention is being able to opt out of email content. Not everyone will want to celebrate mother’s day, so give them the option to skip the mother’s day emails. This will show your understanding, and keep ALL your customers happy.

To learn about the history of Mother’s Day, click here.

Hashtags: #Mother’sDay #MotheringSunday #appreciation

International Transgender Day of Visibility 
31st March

As well as Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day, there is another date to be aware of for your equality calendar. International Transgender Day of Visibility, is an important day for Transgender and Non-binary people. This is a chance to highlight their struggles and strength through the years, as well as the discrimination this community is still facing, worldwide.

This is a day to show the Trans and Non-Binary community that they are enough, and that they don’t need to conform to one certain gender or identity. 

So let’s empower this community together!

Your business can share its support through social media by getting involved in the ‘I am Enough’ campaign. Getting involved is great! Just make sure you are using the right content, click here to find which content you should be posting, this all depends on whether you are Trans, Non-Binary, or a supporter.

To learn more about the history of this empowering day, click here.

Hashtags: #IAmEnough #YouAreEnough #TransDay #InternationalTransgenderDayofVisibility 

To learn more about social media and what’s new, click here and read our most recent blog! Or if you’d like to catch up on the marketing dates you might have missed, head to our blog page now.

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