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What’s New In Social Media - January 2023

27 January 2023

It’s the beginning of a brand new year, how fast did 2022 fly by? 2022 was the year when social media well and truly grew and changed and we can’t wait to see what 2023 has in store. From Donald Trump rejoining Meta to Instagram announcing that its 2023 focus will return to photos, this blog will explain to you what’s new in the social landscape this month and what you should be keeping an eye out for!

Snapchat’s Ad AR Campaigns

Snapchat has just released a new campaign that highlights its unique AR features and trends. It’s certainly grabbed everyone’s attention, and it’s reported that almost ¾ of Snapchat users are using these elements in the app. This shows how AR has become a huge focus for Snapchat, like many other social platforms. What new AR features will they release next?

Instagram’s Focus On Images

Yes, you heard that right! Instagram’s chief Adam Mosseri has said that they will be trying to make photos more of a focus in 2023. This has come after Instagram spent most of 2022 pushing its video content, perhaps too far. It’s nice to hear that Instagram will be going back to its roots with a larger focus on photos, whilst we all love Instagram reels, it is frustrating when static posts don’t do well. So maybe this year we’ll see Instagram become less swayed by trends, only time will tell.

Twitter’s Verified Views

This month, many Twitter users have noticed a verified views tab appearing at the bottom of their tweets, above the likes section and next to the retweets. However, what do verified views mean? So far, it seems like it’s just a new name to the normal view counter but we wonder if Elon Musk could have some other meaning for it. There has been talk in the past that there could be a subscription service for verified users, could this be linked? Keep your eyes peeled, we’re sure something will change soon.

Meta’s Reinstatement Of Donald Trump

Have you heard about this controversy yet? This week, Meta announced that former US President Donald Trump is now able to return to its platforms, after being banned just over 2 years ago. Whilst this isn’t a change with how the platform is working, this could affect politics. Meta has now allowed him to return because this two-year suspension is over and a review has been conducted that has looked at the risk of reinstating him on these platforms. When will we start seeing Trump voice his opinions on these platforms?

Instagram’s Quiet Mode

Instagram has announced that they are introducing a quiet mode that will allow users to take breaks. This works by notifying your contacts when you’re not on the app. This user-led control will allow you to choose when you want to turn off notifications, it’ll be shown on your profile and will automatically reply to any DMs for you. This feature is suitable for everyone, not used verified users, and it’ll help you take control of the amount of time you spend on the app. Will you be giving this new feature a try?

That’s it, you’re all caught up! 2023 is going to be an interesting year for sure, we wonder what else will change. For more social media information and updates, head to our blog page to browse through all of our posts.