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What are the key marketing dates in February 2023?

03 February 2023

It’s that time again. January always feels like the longest month, but February is going to fly by, so make sure you make a note of these important marketing dates in your calendar. By reading this blog you’ll be able to find some helpful tips for your business's marketing strategy, as well as find out how you can make your company look more attractive to prospective talent and customers.

LGBT History Month
1st – 28th February 

February is a big month for the LGBTQ+ community, in particular, it is a month to celebrate and raise awareness of the fight against prejudice, LGBTQ+ people, and history. It is important to create awareness for this month to show your customers and employees that you support this community, their challenges, and who they are. 

Click here to find 4 activities to do in the workplace to celebrate LGBTQ+ month.

The Key Dates:
Valentine’s Day
14th February

Each year we celebrate Valentine's with a loved one or even with our friends, it’s a perfect time to express our love and appreciation for them. 

The history behind this day is oriented around an early Christian martyr, Saint Valentine. Although this started as a Christian celebration of the Saint, it later became a cultural and commercial celebration, as well. Many other religions also started to celebrate the love we have for one another.

Celebrating this through the workplace could be an opportunity to highlight that you appreciate their hard work. As well as your employees, you could show your appreciation to your loyal customers, this could be through a thank you message on your socials or a Valentine's sale. In turn, creating more awareness for your business. You could even show your appreciation to your employees and share this on your socials. Furthermore, doing this will indicate to future employees that your company is a positive place to work.

Hashtags: #ValentinesDay #love #Valentines

Random Act of Kindness Day
17th February

This day might be a new one for some of you, as it isn’t always celebrated. But Random Act of Kindness Day is a day where everyone in the UK helps make kindness normal, whether you’re in school, home or work. Taking part in this day is simple, and can lead to a better work environment for your employees. 

This day was created in Colorado, in 1995, by a nonprofit organisation, The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation. This day aimed to make the world a better place, spreading kindness and positivity throughout the world.

To join in on this day all you need to do is share a compliment with a customer or employee, or share a positive quote over your socials. Encourage your friends and family to join in, let’s make this world a better place together.

Click here to take the Kindness in the Workplace Pledge, and to receive more information.

Hashtags: #RandomActofKindnessDay #kindness #positivity #mentalhealth

Pancake Day
21 February

Pancake day, also known as Shrove Tuesday, changes date every year. From the religion Christianity, it was believed to be the feast day before the start of Lent on Ash Wednesday. Pancakes were believed to be one of the most luxurious foods, back in times when food was limited. Therefore, many would indulge in rich food, like pancakes, before giving something up for lent.

According to the Bible, after Jesus was baptised, he was led into the desert and was tempted by the devil, not giving in to temptation. Jesus fasted for 40 days and 40 nights before dying on the cross. Therefore, many people take part in lent, as a sign of sacrifice and to test their self-discipline, which represents Jesus’ sacrifice.

If you want to take part in Pancake day you could treat your staff to a delicious treat. You could take this time to commune with them, and see if any of them will be giving anything up for lent. You could use this to increase awareness for your business by creating a TikTok, discussing your employee's favourite pancake toppings, or asking your customers to share theirs. Use this as a fun talking point and interact with your employees and customer base.

Hashtags: #PancakeDay #ShroveTuesday #Pancakes

If you’d like additional help with your marketing strategy, visit our website to see how we can help you here at Gather. Or if you’d like to catch up on last month's marketing dates, to know what to look out for next year, click here.