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Inspiring players new and old with Tamatem

18 September 2020
Tamatem is the leading mobile games publisher in the Arabic-speaking market, they worked with Facebook to create video ads to boost their reach and increase app installs. 

Game on

Working with international games developers Tamatem wanted to boost game engagements amongst its users. By reminding their customers of their VIP Baloot and encouraging them to get more involved. 

Boost their reach

The idea is simple, reengage people to start playing the game again. Their solution run reach campaigns and app install campaigns at the same time. This is so that the brand could engage with players who had previously been very active on the came as well as players who had uninstalled the app altogether.
They created two different campaigns to run simultaneously, both had 5 ad sets that used the most successful video ad creative for VIP Baloot in the past campaign. They then utilised these to figure out which placement was the most effective. 
Tamatem later altered their campaign daily depending on retention, lifetime value, return on ad spend, average sessions, length and click-through-rate. Retargetting ads to those who have engaged with the ads but did not download or interact with the app.

Winning results 

Tamatem’s double campaign resulted in positive reactions from consumers, encouraging new players while also reigniting the passion for VIP Baloot players back. The targeted and optimised ads resulted in:

  • 45% increase in click-through rate

  • 50X more returning players than before the campaign

  • 10X higher return on ad spend, compared to previous app install campaigns

This blog was originally from Facebook. If you enjoyed this blog check out more just like it here contact us today for information on creating your own ads campaign.