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Creating a buzz for Volkswagen with mobile video ads

02 September 2020
Volkswagen wanted to create a buzz for its brand new all-electric ID.3 range so they opted to work with Facebook to create short mobile video ads capturing the cars usage while not yet unveiling what the vehicle actually looked like.

ECO drive

Volkswagen is a global German-based car manufacturer known for innovating and pushing the boundaries. In 2019 they created what is known as the ID.3 at the IAA Internationa Moter Show. The ID.3 marks the beginnings of a new, dynamic era in the world of e-mobility. Electrifying performance meets groundbreaking design and longer ranges.

Creating a buzz

 Volkswagen is spearheading the emission-free mobility concept. They wanted to generate as much excitement around the new design without giving anything away. The goal? Establish the brand as a leader in the electric car movement while securing prebookings for the new model.

Driving awareness

Knowing the common reservations consumers have with electric cars, for example, charge time and price. Volkswagen wanted to make sure that the ID.3 was physically desirable while also speaking to the importance of electric cars on the environment. 
They wanted to commence the campaign before releasing the images of the car so worked with its creative agency, Voltage, and Facebook Creative Shop to create dynamic emotive video ads to intrigue their audience. 
Volkswagen then ran video ads, lead ads, link ads, video poll ads and a focus on Instagram stories. It then encourages those interested to sign up to a newsletter to stay up to date allowing them to reach out and arrange a pre-book.

Driving it home

This performative campaign which ran from June to August 2019, resulted in Volkswagen reaching its goals for leads, awareness and purchase intent. Results included:

  • More than 40,000 newsletter signups across 12 European countries before vehicle launch

  • 13-point lift in campaign awareness in Italy

  • 5.4-point lift in purchase intent in Italy

  • 8.9-point lift in ad recall in Italy

  • 13-point lift in ad recall in France

This blog was originally from Facebook. If you enjoyed this blog check out more just like it here contact us today for information on creating your own ads campaign.