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Boosting customer interaction with Osprey London

04 August 2020
Boosting customer interaction and increasing new customers by 4.2X OSPREY LONDON ran Facebook dynamic ads to a range of audiences. The British luxury leather company established by Graeme Ellisdon. Renowned for our vintage-inspired sumptuous leather bags wanted to increase the number of customers making purchases and increase social media traffic. 

Leather goes luxe

OSPREY LONDON is an independent British luxury brand offering a range of handcrafted leather goods and lifestyle products. It all started in 1980 when founder Graeme Ellisdon launched the brand with a belt that he had he cut and stitched by hand. Not long after, he counted rock stars and royalty among his clients. Today, the brand remains aspirational yet also accessible, thanks to its growing online presence.

Enticing new customer

OSPREY LONDON aimed to connect with potential new customers and encourage them to make a purchase online. OSPREY LONDON also wanted to improve ad performance, particularly return on ad spend.
In the past, OSPREY LONDON has relied on lookalike audiences and interest-based audiences as a targeting strategy in its prospecting campaigns. However, to drive even better return on ad spend, media buying agency and Facebook Marketing Partner SearchStar proposed that the brand try dynamic ads for broad audiences instead.
Dynamic ads for broad audiences help advertisers reach a wide audience of people who are interested in a brand and its products or products like them—even if they had not yet visited the website or interacted with the brand online. Advertisers can show people dynamically created ads featuring a tailored selection of its products, based on what is most likely to interest the person viewing the ad.
OSPREY LONDON agreed to try out the new approach alongside its usual prospecting ads in a summer campaign. To set up the dynamic ads for broad audiences, SearchStar and OSPREY LONDON created a feed of suitable products so that Facebook could dynamically pull the most relevant ones into visually striking carousels. The ads used intro cards with images, animations and videos that revealed the brand, and promotional messaging to grab viewer attention. The carousel then showed a selection of products from the feed, tailored to people’s interests and tastes. The broad audience was set with minimal parameters so that the Facebook algorithm would find as many relevant potential customers as possible in the UK, aged 21 and older.
At the end of the campaign, the team compared the results from the dynamic ads for broad audiences with the ads that used lookalike audiences and interest-based audiences to identify the most effective targeting strategy.

Boosting customer interaction 

OSPREY LONDON’s campaign succeeded in finding new customers, at a higher return on ad spend. Compared to its traditional approach, the July–September 2019 campaign using dynamic ads for broad audiences resulted in:

  • 4.2X increase in new customers in the first six weeks

  • 2.2X more purchases with dynamic ads for broad audiences

  • 2.6X higher return on ad spend compared to other prospecting campaigns

If you are a business owner and you want to utilise Facebook ads to increase your social media traffic, get in touch with Gather Social here. Attend our FREE virtual workshops and see what we can do to help you!
[This blog was originally taken from Facebook, shop Osprey London here.]