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Increase purchase rates with social media ads with ROLI

23 July 2020

ROLI managed to increase purchases rates by 81% compared to the same period the previous year. By utilising Facebook and Instagram to create a compelling campaign told through multiple ad formats. ROLI Founded by musician and entrepreneur Roland Lamb, creates electronic musical instruments like the revolutionary and award-winning Seaboard, a touch-responsive reinvention of the piano keyboard. Its product range also includes drum pads, downloadable software and sound content that enable musicians to bring studio-quality technology into their homes.

Boosting online sales

ROLI wanted to build on the strong engagement and awareness it had established on Facebook to drive more sales through its website.
ROLI teamed up with Facebook Marketing Partner Nuuk Digital for a 12-week Facebook and Instagram campaign that spanned key markets: Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy and Japan, as well as the UK and US. To engage musicians and drive sales, Nuuk Digital recommended matching sequential storytelling to each stage of the customer journey and using a variety of ad formats to maintain attention.
Nuuk Digital and ROLI started by crafting meaningful messages and ad creative for both hobby musicians and professionals and matched suitable products from the product catalogue to each customer profile. This meant that ROLI could build awareness with attention-grabbing photos and videos introducing the products, in both the carousel and collection ad formats.

Increase purchase rates

Once it had engaged people in this way, ROLI continued telling its story with informative video and photo ads that were designed to draw audiences in more deeply and encourage them to find out more. Finally, ROLI drove conversions with time-limited offers and calls to action that made it easy for people to take action.
ROLI installed the Facebook pixel on its website to help it to deliver more relevant ads to prospective customers. The team retargeted ads to people who visited specific pages on the website with ads that reminded them of the products they had browsed. ROLI also created lookalike audiences based on people who visited the website or made a purchase, so that it could reach an even greater number of potential customers.

Hitting the right notes

By adapting ad creative for different audience profiles to tell a relevant and engaging brand story across the customer journey, ROLI significantly increased online sales. Between October–December 2019, the campaign achieved:

    • 81% increase in purchases, compared to the same period the previous year


    • 2X higher return on ad spend, compared to the same period the previous year


    • 62% lower cost per acquisition than the same period the previous year

If you enjoyed this blog, check out more just like it here. If you are a business owner and you want to utilise Facebook ads to boost your purchase rates, get in touch with us here for a workshop. This blog was originally from Facebook