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Testing new ways to engage audiences and drive sales with Klairs

23 July 2020

Cruelty-free, Korean skincare brand Klairs wanted to engage audiences so experimented with branded content ads and Instagram shopping ads to look at campaign performance resulting in a 1.8X higher return on ad spend. 

“As millennials are our main audience, Instagram is an important sales and marketing tool for dear, Klairs. With the right content and clear messaging, we were able to reach people and achieve a high return on ad spend. We will continue to look for creative ways to use the tools within Instagram, as well as expand customer touchpoints to drive sales and awareness.”
Juhee Choi, Domestic market growth lab leader, Dear Klairs


Testing more ad formats

Dear, Klairs ran a campaign on Instagram using mobile-first video ads, branded content ads, and Instagram Shopping ads. The beauty company set up a split test that compared a campaign with mobile-first video ads alone to a campaign that used Shopping ads, branded content ads and the video ads.
The brand partnered with a beauty content creator using branded content ads, allowing dear, Klairs to boost the creator’s posts. The influencer’s posts were clearly marked as “paid partnership with dear, Klairs”, and when viewers clicked on the posts, they were directed to the brand’s website.

Engage audiences

The content was first published as an Instagram Shopping post, allowing dear,Klairs to tag products directly in the posts to make it easier for people to discover and engage with the products. After that, the brand used the post as an ad. All ads used the conversion objective to reach people who were more likely to make a purchase.
The campaign ran for ten days and was broadly targeted to people in South Korea, but excluding people who had visited the brand’s website in the past 14 days. Dear, Klairs also used automatic placements to deliver the video ads across Instagram, Facebook and Audience Network in a cost-efficient manner and campaign budget optimisation to identify the best performing ads.
The combination of branded content ads and Instagram Shopping generated the following results:

    • 1.8X higher return on ad spend


    • 45% decrease in cost per purchase


    • 42% decrease in cost per add to cart


    • 41% increase in the number of people reached

If you enjoyed this blog, check out more just like it here. If you are a business owner and you want to boost your audience engagement, get in touch with us here for a workshop. This blog was originally from Instagram