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Blog For Spotlight

03 April 2020

In 2020 Gather Social launched Spotlight. The aim of Spotlight is to tell the real stories of businesses and careers and dispel the myth of overnight success. Whilst videoing isn't feasible at this time, we have launched a blog from which we aim to inspire future generations with positive content during this anxious time.

What is Spotlight

We are living through the strangest of times. As the Managing Director of a business, I started with a £300 quid laptop and not much more to my name. This time period has given me the chance to spend a lot of time reflecting on the last five years of my life; There have been some incredible lows and some insane highs. Nothing could have prepared me better to try and navigate the current landscape with kindness, gratitude and positivity.

If like us, you have spent some time reflecting on your business journey and career then I would like to invite you to guest blog for Spotlight. When normality returns, which it will, we would love to welcome you to come and film your story.

What can we do for you?

We can provide you with a template of questions to work from, or happy to just receive your thoughts. One of the talented team here at Gather Social will turn your content into a blog. In return, we will publish your story and distribute it across our social networks. We have over 10K connections across all our accounts and would serve as very positive PR at this time. We are continuing to advertise throughout this period and would even include your contribution in our paid adverts strategy.

Get involved

If you would like to contribute please don't hesitate to get in touch via the contact form. Whilst providing yourself with some positivity, the sharing of your story could provide someone with some much-needed positivity right now.

Check out Spotlight for more information, contact Gather Social to get involved.