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Pushing The Honu Movement to new audiences 

18 September 2020
By using Facebook and Instagram ads The Honu Movement a non-profit environmental organisation saw a 2.2X return on ad spend in a 30-day period.

A new take on plastic waste 

Entrepreneur Michael Steiger created The Honu Movement to tackle plastic waste in oceans. Passionate about cleaning the planet’s water Michale started to brainstorm how he could use his business knowledge to make this a reality. 
From the Phillippines, the Honu Movement aims to give the poorest in society secure jobs collecting plastic waste from the oceans to be used to create clothing and accessories. These items are then sold globally to help fund the project. This cycle of good is a nonprofit plan after much success is also set to launch in Bali. 
Not only does this movement give jobs to those struggling but it also helps to raise global awareness through their merchandise. In August 2019 The Honu Movement started a campaign aimed towards the german market on Facebook and Instagram. 

Facebook and Instagram ads

The goal: to create awareness and drive sales towards their website. The plan: create unique ads following the stages of a customers journey over a nine-month period. 
With help from online marketing company VOGGSMEDIA owned by Sebastian Vogg, the started to think about what their target customer would be. Using a lookalike audience they were able to identify their clientele in Germany. 
They began by using video content they already had that documented the successful work in Cuba, this gave customers images of people wearing the merchandise in a new and exciting format. This linked customers to photo link ads with more information about the movement. To further increase customer interaction they utilised the polls feature on their video ads to gain an insight into what people wanted from the movement. 
All this with dynamic carousels ads showcasing their products and call to action buttons to boost conversion values. 

The results

As they decided to utilise different ad types for different platforms The Honu Movement managed to gain thousands of supporters and as a result, increase customers between August 2019 and April 2020. 

  • A staggering 8,400 sales from  Facebook

  • the overall return on ad spend from conversion campaigns increasing by 1.8X

  • A 2.2X return on ad spend in  30-days

This blog was originally from Facebook. Read more like it here