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Makaro got a 3X increase in sales from Facebook ads

03 December 2019
This Austrian jewellery brand propelled their business due to carefully planned campaigns, tried-and-tested Facebook and Instagram content into ad creative that struck the perfect tone with target audiences.

Small details, big impact

The founders of MAKARO Hanna and Matthias aim to create beautiful, sustainably made jewellery at a reasonable price point. designing timeless pieces with distinctive details across the range including necklaces, earrings, bracelets and rings.

Ringing up sales

MAKARO’s main goal was to increase online sales, Hanna and Matthias also wanted to strengthen overall brand awareness in European German-speaking countries. 

Tailoring content for a conversion campaign

MAKARO needed to develop a conversion campaign with ad creative that would appeal directly to its target audience’s tastes, needs and values. Working with agency Freiheit Media, Hanna and Matthias first used Facebook Insights to identify the brand’s best-performing organic content on Facebook and Instagram. They then tested different ad creative variations among different audiences to understand what motivated people the most.
MAKARO and Freiheit Media then created ads based on the most popular content, using compelling copy, text overlays to call out product features, and hard-to-resist incentives like free shipping to entice people. 
Ad delivery was optimised for purchase events, meaning that ads were shown to people who were most likely to take the desired action as a result of seeing them. Resulting in a 3x increase in sales, 4.6X increase in views content events and 3.6X increase in add to cart events. People who visited the website and added a product to the cart without completing the purchase then saw further ads featuring the products they had viewed. MAKARO and Freiheit Media carefully monitored ad performance with Facebook Analytics throughout the campaign and scaled back any ads that performed less well.
To learn more visit MAKARO,
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