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How did Freenet Funk use Instagram to boost sales

20 November 2019
Mobile brand Freenet FUNK boosted incremental activated purchases by 47% in Germany with an Instagram campaign that engaged its young phone addicted target market. 

Happy customers lead app-y lives 

The Freenet group is revolutionising the mobile industry in Germany with an app-led approach that offers flexibility to customers who can choose exactly what they want from their mobile phones on a daily basis. 

“Our ads achieved an incredibly high direct response and ideally matched the attractive product. The campaign was so successful that the planned number of SIM cards for the whole of 2019 was delivered after just 6 weeks."

- Martin Theinert, Team lead display & social platforms, Freenet FUNK.


Max growth Min time

Due to reduction of mobile tariff to its essentials: information, ordering, payment and customer service and made it all controllable via a single app, Freenet FUNK wanted to raise awareness of its unique offering, encourage app installs and fundamentally attract new customers. 

Eye-catching ads encourage tapping

The campaign strategy was to develop simple and direct ads to highlight Freenet FUNK’s unique app-based mobile offering. Simple. Created in close cooperation with Facebook, the campaign was targeted to a young tech-savvy demographic who use social networks regularly.
The ads were designed to entice the young target market with a clear and concise message that explained Freenet FUNKs unique service proposition. Running in Germany between May 8th - June 4th 2019 the campaign reached 3.5 million potential customers and managed to achieve; 

  • 47% incremental activated purchases 

  • 50% incremental app instals 

  • 8.5%- point increase in brand awareness 

  • 19%.7- point rise in ad recall

This blog was originally taken from Instagram to read more about Freenet FUNK’s success visit their website.