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03 November 2019
This German home and furniture shopping portal measured 150,000 incremental sales and a 15% lower cost per click over a two-week period when testing out a consolidated campaign structure by taking advantage of Facebook Conversion Lift. is Germany’s largest furniture and home furnishings shopping portal. Bringing together 250 online shops and inviting customers to search and browse over 3 million products on their site. It truly is a homeware giant. 

Campaign structure 

The main goal; to improve ad campaign performance and efficiency by challenging whether consolidated campaign structure (one campaign per goal and one ad set per target group) would outperform its usual campaign structure.

Running conversation lift tests

The original structure of the campaign that had been using involved running several campaigns at once with corresponding ad sets. While this approach does yield some success there can be slight overlap across campaigns making it inefficient. In order to accurately compare the effectiveness of this approach against a different campaign structure, ran a Facebook conversion lift test. A lift test involves tracking conversations, including standard and custom events, to understand the true value of your Facebook advertising and how well it performs independent of your other marketing efforts
During this two-week test, ran ad campaigns in the original campaign structure and in a consolidated structure. To ensure a fair comparison, both campaigns used broad targeting and good-sized budgets give the Facebook algorithm plenty of opportunities to find the right people to deliver ads to, at the right price. In each case, people saw carousel ads, optimised for conversions, across all placements. The ad creative showcased’s partner retailers and encouraged people to click through to their website to explore products lines in more detail. People also saw dynamic ads that were automatically populated with relevant products from the product catalogue.

The results

The test groups were then compared against one another and against a control group of people whom did not see any of the campaign ads, to show the true impact of each campaign structure and allow to identify the best-performing one. The conversion lift study results also provided insights into other advertising challenges—was a result of this campaign, spotted an opportunity to rethink its attribution window selections and try other, potentially more effective options in the future.

Bringing it home 

The Facebook conversion lift study helped to not only identify the best approach for future campaign performance but to also increase return on ad spend by 15% over the two-week campaign period:

  • 15% lower cost per click with the consolidated campaign structure

  • 15% increase in return on ad spend

  • 150,000 incremental sales measured with conversion lift study

  • Up to 50% decrease in audience overlap

This blog was originally taken from Facebook, to shop Moebel visit their website.