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How did TourRader reach over a million people with Facebook ads?

06 November 2019
TourRader boosted conversations with Facebook ads, travel ads and destination ads reaching over a million people with relevant ads every month and doubled conversions as a result.

Discover the world with TourRader

TourRadar is an online travel agency and reviews website that specializes in multi-day tours. Offering more than 25,000 tours in over 160 countries, Vienna-based TourRadar is the world’s largest online booking platforms. TourRader ensures that finding and booking the perfect holiday is as stress-free as possible. 
Connecting with travellers
TourRadar wanted to increase bookings from people who had visited its website, as well as encouraging people who were new to the platform to sign up.

Highlighting relevant destinations

Having already run lookalike audience campaigns to increase quality traffic to its website, TourRadar aimed to bring people back to the website and encourage them to make a booking. Travel ads (formerly called dynamic ads for travel) were the obvious choice. By targeting people how had browsed tours online but not completed the booking TourRader was able to direct personal ads featuring information about relevant tours. TourRadar tested out different creative formats for effectiveness before choosing the carousel format. With the carousel ad format, it could share relevant destination and price information, images, discounts and a call to action, all in one ad.
TourRadar also used destination ads (formerly called dynamic ads for destinations) to show ads with relevant destination offers and products to potential website visitors and customers. Destination ads use intent signals from multiple devices to help advertisers to automatically create and show ads with relevant products, based on the destinations people have shown an interest in. These ads were also retargeted to people who had viewed specific tours on the website.
The campaign focused on core markets like the US, the UK, Australia and New Zealand. More countries were added later, so TourRadar used language targeting to make sure that its English-language ads were only shown to people who speak English.

Upgrading conversions on Facebook

Over a 12-month period starting in September 2017, TourRadar doubled its conversion rate with its travel ad and destination ad campaigns, as well as halving the cost per booking-

  • 2X increase in conversion rate with travel ads

  • 50% decrease in cost per booking

  • 1.2 million people reached with relevant ads every month

This blog is originally from Facebook