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Engaging car buyers with Facebook dynamic ads

09 June 2020

By creating eye-catching Facebook dynamic ads Leeway Motor Company connected with prospective car buyers. Managing to win more than 200 quality leads when it showcased suitable vehicles for different customer profiles in highly relevant Facebook dynamic ads.

In the driving seat

Leeway Motor Company is one of Wales’ premier car dealerships and takes pride in offering its customers exemplary service and aftercare. Prospective car buyers can visit the showroom or browse the comprehensive website to explore a wide range of quality vehicles and contact the team for expert, friendly advice. Leeway Motor Company wanted to drive quality traffic to its website and encourage people to make an online enquiry or call the business to discuss their next car purchase.

 Facebook dynamic ads

Leeway Motor Company asked agency Digital NRG to help it develop a fresh approach to generating leads. The first step was to reach people who have already made contact with, or shown interest in, the company and encourage them to make an enquiry. To do this, Leeway Motor Company showed dynamic ads with the lead generation objective to Custom Audiences of recent website visitors, people who had previously submitted an enquiry, and people who engaged with Facebook Page posts. Ad creative in the eye-catching slideshow format featured branded images of relevant vehicles, with information that highlighted their selling points.
Leeway Motor Company and Digital NRG also ran a concurrent campaign to find new prospective customers, focusing on lookalike audiences similar to the retargeted Custom Audiences. This way, the ads were seen by an even wider, yet highly relevant audience of people who were likely to take action.
The team also used the slideshow format in ads that it showed to car-based interest audiences (segmented by gender and age). Leeway Motor Company and Digital NRG matched ad creative featuring suitable vehicles to each audience segment. Ads were seen across all ad placements, including Audience Network and Stories, to reach as many potential customers as possible.

Shifting sales up a gear

Leeway Motor Company successfully engaged with car buyers at the start of their purchase journey by showing the right vehicles to interested people in visually appealing ads. The November 2019–January 2020 campaign achieved:

    • 27% higher reach


    • 31% increase in new website visitors


    • 203 sales enquiries generated


    • 2X more monthly sales in December 2019, compared to December 2018

If you enjoyed this blog check out more like it here. This blog was originally from Facebook.