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Reaching 2.2 million people with Facebook ads for Dubai Properties

10 June 2020
Dubai properties teamed with Facebook creating enticing augmented reality ads reaching 2.2 million people boosting sales as a result.

Building interest 

Dubai Properties wanted to build interest in its waterside La Vie residences part of the Jumeirah Beach Residence development, ahead of the official launch. The business particularly wanted to generate quality leads from potential buyers, which could be followed up and qualified by the telesales team.

Tours for everyone 

Dubai Properties wanted a format to maximum effect, so at the start of the three-month campaign, it used to reach and frequency buying to run video ads and create a buzz.
A staggering 75% of their target audience was reached it was then that Dubai Properties launched the Augmented Reality ad to invite people to take part in the immersive virtual tour.
Dubai Properties then showed lead ads and Page posts with a lead form that interested people could quickly and easily complete. Custom Audiences of people in the UAE and Saudi Arabia who had shown interest in the development saw these ads and, after submitting a lead form, were contacted by the Dubai Properties sales team to discuss their requirements in more detail.

Reaching 2.2 million people

Dubai Properties’ La Vie development was 90% sold out just six weeks after the campaign ended. Between October 2019–January 2020, the engaging video, Augmented Reality and lead ads resulted in:

  • 2.2 million people reached with Augmented Reality ad

  • 50% of units sold in the first two weeks of the campaign

  • 17% of web leads became qualified leads

If you enjoyed this blog, check out more just like it here. This blog was originally from Facebook.