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Creating brand loyalty 

20 September 2020

Do you know the importance of creating brand loyalty? Many customers enjoy the perks of being a loyal customer and it is an important factor in customer retention. In order to create a brand, the customer wants to be loyal to they must target a multicultural audience and advertise on social media.

“When it comes to loyalty, multicultural millennials give as much as they get. They know what they like, and aren’t shy about sharing that information with their friends and contacts.” - Buzz Marketing CEO and founder Tina Wells. 

The misguided idea that millennials are fickle customers doesn’t actually apply  Elite Daily and CrowdTwist reported that a staggering 50.5% of millennials claim extreme loyalty to their favourite brands. Making them arguably the most brand-loyal generation to date. In order for a brand to create a loyal customer base, they have to take a number of things into consideration:

Creating brand loyalty

Aesthetic - As shallow as it may sound aesthetic plays a major role in whether people want to visit your restaurant with many establishments adopting the ‘instagramable’ aesthetic millennials are attracted to pretty things. If you can appeal to their visual senses your halfway there. 
Authenticity - People value genuine authentic connections if you can adopt an authentic atmosphere in your establishment it will create a more personal feel. While we are all guilty of visiting the local Wetherspoons studies showing millennials are willing to pay that little bit extra for a more unique experience. 
Customer service - This has long been a vital contributing factor to maintaining brand loyalty, good service plays a huge role in your experience at an establishment. If you are treated poorly you are less likely to return. 
Get techy- How do you get them through the door in the first place? Answer social media. Millennials are a tech-savvy generation so if you aren’t on socials you are missing out on a huge prospective audience. Think ads, campaigns, apps the possibilities are endless. 
Inclusivity- Roughly 81% of millennials are buying food based on the protein content according to Acosta a leading sales and marketing agency, however, this doesn’t mean they are chowing down on meat. 1 in 5 millennials requires a plant-based option. While it isn’t yet a legal requirement having vegan and vegetarian options on your menu with drastically improve customer satisfaction and in turn brand loyalty. 
Your customer needs to be at the centre of everything you do, you need to have their wants and needs in mind when creating your brand. If you are interested in tapping into the millennial audience it is important to keep in mind what they look for in a brand.
This blog was adapted from QSR. If you are looking to create a strong brand through social media, contact us today for a FREE no-obligation consultation.