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Boosting campaign awareness with Havana

30 June 2020

Boosting campaign awareness with eye-catching Facebook video ads to boost campaign awareness by 17 points. Havana rum wanted to raise awareness of its “Cuba Made Me” campaign by creating attention-grabbing Facebook video ads to showcase Cuban street style.

A drinks icon

Founded in Cuba in 1934, Havana Club is among the world's most recognised brands of rum. It’s owned and distributed by Pernod Ricard—a French company that is a global leader in producing alcoholic beverages. Havana Club sought to raise brand and campaign awareness among millennials and Generation Z. It hoped to do this by highlighting the brand’s contemporary Cuban image and its connection with street style.

Street culture 

The Havana Club team collaborated with Facebook Marketing Partner Shuttlerock to adapt assets from television into multiple vertical videos suitable for mobile. These videos featured young Cubans exploring Cuban street style, street art, street food and club scenes. Following best practices for mobile video, the ads all brought the Havana Club range into focus clearly and immediately and featured several different cuts and angles to keep the viewer’s attention.
Havana Rum used four different placements to reach its younger German target audience and share the Havana world: Facebook News Feed, Instagram feed and Instagram Stories, and Facebook in-stream video.
Facebook’s in-stream video ads—ads that appear during videos people are watching—drive longer view duration and higher completion rates. Since they’re always followed by more content, people are more likely to watch these ads all the way through. People are also more likely to leave the sound on while the ads are playing.
To further its relationship with young urban rum drinkers, the campaign was targeted to men and women between the ages of 18–35. Havana Rum also layered on Facebook’s interest targeting to choose a relevant audience, but one that was also broad enough to reach across millennials and Generation Z. The campaign used automatic placements on Facebook and Instagram to generate optimum results at the lowest average cost.

Sparkling results

Havana Club’s attention-grabbing video campaign successfully drove awareness. Running from July 15–September 12, 2019, and measured by a brand lift study, the campaign achieved:

    • 26-point lift in ad recall


    • 17-point lift in campaign awareness


    • 6 million completed video views


    • €12.70 cost per thousand completed video views (with 18–35 demographic targeting plus interest targeting)

If you enjoyed this blog, check out more just like it here. This blog was originally from Facebook.