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Boosting brand awareness with ASUS 

29 July 2020
Working alongside Facebook hardware and technology brand ASUS managed to increase awareness by 2.1 points. ASUS wanted to boost brand awareness utilising branded content photo and video ads on Instagram and Facebook. 

A leader in tech

ASUS is a top-ranked Taiwanese hardware and electronics company headquartered in Taipei that is among the world’s largest PC vendors. It manufactures and produces items such as desktop and laptop computers, smartphones, motherboards, multimedia products, wearables and more.
“We combined Vamp’s content creators with our own content to take our marketing to the next level and expand our reach to a new target audience. We have plans to carry out similar campaigns when we test, learn, grow and improve our marketing and social strategy.”


Exploring new strategies

ASUS wanted to expand it's content and influencer marketing initiatives and better understand how to use these marketing tools effectively for its brand awareness campaigns.
ASUS ran a campaign using a combination of its own photo and video ads, as well as branded content photo and video ads, to boost top-of-mind awareness and reach more people. To select the best local lifestyle content creators for the branded content, ASUS worked with Facebook Marketing Partner Vamp, which helped identify the best candidates from its existing database.

Boosting brand awareness

The content creators each developed their own mobile-first photo and video ads, which featured them using ASUS products in daily life and illustrated the benefits of the ASUS ZenBook Duo and its ScreenPad Plus secondary touchscreen feature. Then, the content creators posted the ads from their own accounts.
The posts were clearly marked as “paid partnership with ASUS”, and when they were boosted as branded content ads, people could click through to the ASUS website.
To determine what kind of ads delivered the best results, ASUS compared the performance of its photo and video ads alone, the branded content ads alone and the combination of all of them together. The technology brand also ran a brand lift study to ensure audiences for each of the tests did not overlap. The campaign ran on Facebook and Instagram, broadly targeting people in Thailand aged 21–45 with an interest in lifestyle and technology.

The results

After engaging Vamp’s database of local creators to generate engaging original content that highlighted its products, ASUS saw the following results between December 21, 2019 and January 4, 2020:

  • 2.1-point increase in top-of-mind awareness for a combination of ASUS and creator-generated content (compared to ASUS-only content and creator-only content)

  • 33% lower cost per thousand impressions (CPM) for a  combination of ASUS and creator-generated content (compared to ASUS-only content and creator-only content)

  • 13% lower cost per reach for creator-generated content (compared to ASUS-only content)

“Working with ASUS was a great experience, and we look forward to partnering with them again on future campaigns. They were receptive to our creative suggestions and direction and enabled the creation of genuine and authentic content.”

If you are a business owner and you want to utilise Facebook ads to increase your social media traffic, get in touch with Gather Social here. Attend our FREE virtual workshops and see what we can do to help you!
[This blog was originally taken from Instagram, Check out ASUS here.]