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02 February 2020
Chicorée the swiss high street fashion brand ran Facebook ads targeted to  Custom Audiences of loyalty cardholders to encourage them to visit their local store and then measured a jump in in-store purchases as a result of the campaign.

Fast- fashion

Family-owned Chicorée is a well-known name in fashion to swiss teens, with a staggering 166 outlets all offering new styles at great prices, every week. Its VIP Card loyalty programme has over 400,000 regular customers among its members. Chicorée’s ultimately wanted to encourage loyalty cardholders to come into a store and make a purchase. It was also interested in learning more about the best way to engage with its highest value customers online.

Customers always right 

Chicorée and web agency link worked together to create a five-week campaign. Their strategy was to show loyalty cardholders ads that would entice them to visit a store, then measure the impact of the campaign on in-store sales. The team began by developing a Custom Audience based on loyalty cardholders, then used information from Chicorée’s CRM system to segment the Custom Audience into groups of high-value and lower-value customers. This allowed Chicorée to divert more ad spend towards higher-value customers throughout the campaign.
Then, Chicorée showed photo ads and video ads to both audiences, using the store traffic ad objective and optimising ad delivery for in-store purchases. People who lived within a certain distance of a Chicorée store saw ads featuring a “Get Directions” call-to-action button, which directed them to their nearest store. The automatic placements function was selected, to ensure that ads were shown in the most effective placements across Facebook, Instagram, Messenger and Audience Network.
Chicorée then used a Facebook offline conversion study and a conversion lift study to accurately measure the incremental impact of the Facebook campaign on in-store purchases.
The results were:

  • 434 incremental in-store purchases

  • 1.5 % incremental return on ad spend

  • 4% lower cost per incremental purchase in 45–55 age group

This blog was originally taken from Facebook.