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AAA Auto car sales with Facebook

07 May 2020

Generating car sales with Facebook dynamic ads
The Czech car retailer boosted the number of car reservation leads on its website. Utilizing Facebook dynamic ads reaching 1.76 million people.

Car sales with Facebook

AAA Auto wanted to generate high-quality leads for potential customers in Poland.  It also wanted to measure the effectiveness and impact of Facebook campaigns on business creating special dynamic ads.
Facebook dynamic ads are highly effective because they respond to people’s known interests. Creating ads with the appropriate content. The carousel encourages a viewer to swipe to the next image. This boosts the amount that potential customers spend on the website, therefore, boosting sales.
The ads targeted all adults in Poland.  A Facebook pixel was also used to help create Custom Audiences and lookalike audiences of people who had demonstrated engagement. Using a conversion lift study, AAA Auto was able to find out exactly how much interest  Facebook ads generated interest.

The finish line

AAA Auto’s Facebook campaign attracted many new customers to its locations in Poland. The June 2019 campaign achieved:

    • 2.5X lift in leads for car reservations


    • 1,190 additional conversions


    • 1.76 million people reached

Read the full blog about AAA Auto here. For more blogs like this take a look at our website.