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What’s New in Social Media - September 2022

27 September 2022

It’s September and we’ve got all the latest social media updates for you. Social media is constantly evolving, and we’ve got a list of the 5 latest changes. From Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to newer platforms like TikTok, each of these is changing and growing every day. Are you ready for the updates?

Facebook’s Subscribers Only

Facebook has started some new and interesting tests, where your posts can initially only be shown to your subscribers for a period of your choice before it gets shown to the public. This early access is being shown in certain users’ post settings. This feature will benefit creators; it will give exclusive benefits to their fans by allowing them to see their favourite creator’s posts early. This in turn will promote these creators with the algorithm, something every creator wants.

Twitter’s Community Showcase

Twitter is once again trying to get more creators and their communities on board and they are starting tests for their new community showcase profiles. In simple terms, this feature allows you to clearly show your community on Twitter, ultimately allowing more people to join and get on board. Another benefit for creators as this will grow their communities and see their accounts being boosted. 

Insta DMs

Instagram is beginning to test a new direct message feature, one that would allow you to share your latest posts with your followers, through DMs. This is being done through a public section in the DM inbox. Considering how personal DMs have been so far, this is one big shake-up that will be a big change. Nevertheless, there are many benefits; your followers will be able to see your posts more easily due to the posts being DM’d to them. Currently, the algorithm doesn’t always guarantee that your followers will even see your posts. 

Instagram Stories

No one is a fan of a video story being split up into sections. Instagram has finally heard us and they are starting to ensure that videos under 60 seconds will be one story; it won't be divided into 15-second sections. This will allow for a better viewing experience; Instagram is really focusing on its videos. Other popular video platforms like TikTok have really set the bar high and are worthy competitors.

TikTok’s Live Stream Expansion

Most people are familiar with TikTok Live, but did you know that they have just launched a new multi-guest live stream feature? This allows creators to go live with up to 5 guests, making lives more interactive. Previously, you could only stream with one other creator, so this really is a big change for the better. From panels to Q&As and so much more, this new live streaming feature can now be used for so many more things. Keep an eye out for this on your app!

You’re all caught up for September! Which feature are you looking forward to the most? To discover more about all the social media platforms, click here to head to our blog.