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Social Media Success for a Local Fruit & Veg Supplier

30 January 2019

A Local fruit and vegetable supplier challenged us here at Gather Social to reduce their marketing spend while increasing website traffic and sales.
In this blog post, we give you an update of our impressive results based on a period between the 14th November to the 20th December 2018.

Facebook Page Performance

The company’s Facebook page performance improved dramatically, within a period of just one month link clicks through to the website increased by 14.7K%, there were also 186 new fans which is an incredible 9200% increase from the previous month. In addition to this, reactions have increased by 15.3K% and there are a total of 5224 engaged users!

Traffic Acquisition

In less than a month, website traffic doubled with Google Analytics showing that this traffic is predominantly coming through social media. The website users coming through social media increased by 716% and organic traffic increased by 6%. As well as this, direct traffic increased by 44% which shows that more people are seeing the brand and googling it. 

Google Analytics

Data taken from Google Analytics showed us a noticeable difference compared to the previous year. There was a 60% increase in new users and a 56% increase in overall users, with overall transactions being up by 32%!
When compared with the month prior to Gather Social taking over, data shows that traffic coming from social media improved by 716%. There was also a 105% increase in new users and a 96% in overall users and transactions were up by 18%.

Advert Performance

Throughout this time period, we ran 4 different advert campaigns to test what performs best and to generate data through to the Facebook Pixel. The results coming from these campaigns speak for themselves and content is continuing to perform really well. The average cost per click was only 10p and there was 3,025 link clicks with ads also reaching over 39,000 potential customers. One of our January campaigns generated 757 clicks to the website with a 16,255 reach, in just 2 weeks of being live. 
Would you like to see similar results for your business? Get in contact with us today, at Gather Social, we are experts in disrupting marketing strategies, giving you better results at the most effective cost for you and your business. We specialise in sharing your brand message to the right audience to drive more sales and increase your website users all while receiving an honest service from our straight talking team.
Find out more about how Gather Social can support you by getting in contact with us today. You can drop us an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or give us a call on 0115 8374750.