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International Women’s Day

08 March 2021

It’s International Women’s Day and as a mainly female team, we thought it was important to talk about some of the women that we look up too and why we think they are empowering. 


For me, someone in the public eye who I think is a great role model or women, is Taylor Swift. Not only has she spoken publicly about being a feminist and looking to empower other women, but she is also always willing to call out injustice when she sees it. For example, recently when Netflix show Ginny and Georgia made her the punch line of an incredibly ‘lazy and sexist joke, she was quick to call them out on Twitter. I admire the fact that she is not willing to sit down and shut up and will speak out when the double standards of society are aimed at her. I think this sets a great precedent for her young fan base and may empower them to not tolerate these sexist stereotypes.


There are 100s of women who inspire me on a daily basis, I am regularly shocked by how resilient and strong women have to be throughout both their personal and professional lives. Women should be celebrated continuously but one of my biggest inspirations recently is the fabulous Katy Leeson, MD of Social Chain. Katy has been on her own inspiring journey since discovering she suffers from Imposter Syndrome and regularly talks about her struggles on her podcast ‘I shouldn’t say this but’. Katy's podcast is regularly on in the office and she constantly inspires me to push my boundaries and clear my own path to success. 


I admire feminist, and style icon, Florence Given, for numerous reasons. The first of which being that she has taught a generation of people to love the shit out of themselves and not care about what anybody else thinks. Her book, Women Don’t Owe You Pretty, has opened the topic of feminism up to people of all ages, genders and backgrounds and has taught them what the term actually means. I’m also hugely inspired by Florence's creativity. She started her career as a writer/ illustrator by posting graphics and illustrations that she hated to her Instagram to teach herself that not everybody had to like her work for her to grow and become better at it. 


An inspirational woman in the public eye that I look up to is Stacey Dooley. Stacey Dooley is an investigative journalist/documentary presenter. She left school at 15 with no qualifications, was brought up by her single mum and her motivation and drive has made her one of the faces of the BBC. Stacey does not shy away from tough conversations with criminals and terrorists, something which most people would think would intimidate a woman, especially within a male-heavy industry. I think Stacey is a role model as she has proven women can do whatever they want, in any industry they want to be in. 


My Godmother, mentor and 2nd Mum is my role model. Strong independent nonsense businesswoman, who came, saw and conquered, in a time when there were very few women in business, let alone recruitment. Sue Gaffney an OG. Without Sue going before me I wouldn't have had the courage, let alone daily support, to pursue my dream and run my own business. Growing up, I watched Sue juggle everything and give to everyone selflessly with little in return. She has shown me the qualities required to be a leader professionally and personally, but ultimately how to live a happy and fulfilled life.  Celebrating a strong woman on international women's day, without her, this bloke would have nothing. 

We hope you enjoyed reading about some inspirational women, who are you celebrating today?