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Facebook Ads: How to get straight to your target market

06 April 2019

A local estate agent came to us and asked us to help them with their social media marketing. After trying numerous forms of marketing the estate agents became frustrated at how inefficient their marketing had been, wanting to target their customers directly and get a higher return on investment.
After holding a meeting to understand their needs and target market the objective was clear: To market their services to landlords looking to rent their properties.


To effectively carry out the brief we identified a number of factors that needed to be considered. Firstly, we needed to find how to target ads to landlords. Secondly, we needed to work out what kind of ads worked most effectively. From this, we were able to capture data of those that most engage with the posts and remarket to people with similar data.
Over the course of 8 months, we were able to start and refine our campaign, something which lead to very impressive results.

    • We identified over 2M landlords in the UK


    • We were able to use data capture and remarketing to display our ads to 290K landlords within a 50-mile radius of our client

From this information, we began to manage an impressive campaign, highly targeted and with clear goals to measure its success.

The key takeaways:

Social media marketing is just that … marketing. Social media represents a great opportunity for businesses but many overcomplicate what they have to do. Spending money on posts and content is all well and good, but won’t work effectively unless a company has defined goals.
Our client could have marketed their services in a variety of different ways, whether it’s taking out an ad in a magazine popular with landlords or placing an advert on the side of a bus. Rather than advertising to EVERYONE on the side of a bus and hoping that their ad would be seen by a landlord who remembered to search for them online when they were next looking to rent their house.
Social media ads are direct and interactive. In this case, Gather Social (on behalf of our client) went directly to their target audience, and provided an immediate and interactive platform for a landlord to directly contact and sign up to the service they offer.
In the last month of the project, the key figures showed (compared with before working with Gather Social):

    • 97 landlords registered their properties with our client (100% increase)


    • 98 landlords contacted our client to enquire about their services (58.1% increase)

What do you think? Would you be happy with results like the ones we got for our client? If you want to know more about Social Media Marketing or want help with a campaign, contact us for more information.
Want to learn more? Check out our top tips for estate agents to be successful on social media.