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Brands That Use Humour Well On Social Media

28 December 2020

It seems as though every brand on social media thinks that they are the comedians of their industry, and while some brands really hit the mark, others just come off looking insensitive and out of touch (we’re sure you all have at least one brand in mind). 

However, when brands do get it right, they can spark viral trends, celebrity engagements and there are usually a few meme pages that filter their threads onto other platforms. Of course, humour is subjective but we want to talk about some of our favourite brands that use humour well on social media. 

Taco Bell

First up is the fast-food chain Taco Bell. From ‘Mean Girls’  quotes to getting into arguments with Old Spice, Taco Bell has made some truly meme-worthy Twitter threads. 

If you’re familiar with the restaurant then their inclusion on this list shouldn’t come as a surprise to you. Taco Bell uses humour throughout their marketing and advertisements, so much so that it’s become a part of their brand identity. They show other companies how to really respond to competition and come out on top, just look at this “good ol fashioned showdown” between them and White Castle and tell us that they shouldn’t be on the list. 

Innocent Drinks

Next on the list is something a little more innocent, get it?… we’ll leave the comedy to them then. Staying true to their name, Innocent Drinks do take a less tongue in cheek approach to comedy than Taco Bell, but it doesn’t make them any less comedic.

Let’s start with their Twitter bio, it currently reads “We make healthy drinks. We don't want to see any pictures of your banana bread” as a reaction to the current lockdown 3.0. This satiric bio often changes to act as a reaction to what’s going on in the world around them. 

It’s because of this, that their humour works so well on social media. They’re just saying what everybody else is thinking about current events and their followers react really well to it. 

Much like Taco Bell, Innocent Drinks incorporate comedy into their brand’s personality as well as their social media, which is possibly why they are so good at what they do. They like to add little phrases on their bottles, in their advertisements and throughout their website as well as on their Twitter, which has earnt them their place on this list. 


Unfortunately, James Blunt isn’t a business so we can’t include his sarcastic comebacks on this list, but here to give James a run for his money is Netflix. The online streaming company does social media really well. From creating an account dedicated to responding to their customer’s feedback and complaints, to promoting their newest films and series in creative ways, Netflix has a great social media strategy. 

On top of all of this, they also manage to get their humour just right on social media as well. If you haven’t seen their sarcastic responses to messages, or the digs they make at their own expense then you’re in for a real treat. They often use quotes from series and films on the streaming site to poke fun at their own services but in this tweet, they’ve just used an on-going joke to respond to a false accusation. 

If you think we’ve missed out any hilarious accounts, then feel free to let us know what you would include on Instagram. If you’ve enjoyed this blog, why not check out some of our others here.