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19 April 2019
Furnishing sales and awareness with targeted Facebook video ads
Favi the web-based platform for all things home furnishing used targeted video sand carousel ads to increase sales and raise brand awareness- reaching an average of 6000,000 potential customers every day.
The one-stop furniture shop, combining furniture and decorations from verified retail stores all in one easily accessible place. Czech-based Favi is soon becoming a household name fro household items based on its quality furnishings, quickly and efficiently.
To achieve its goal of becoming the biggest name in home decor, Favi wanted to boost brand awareness, drive traffic to its website and increase online sales and conversions.
By using captivating ad creative to drive traffic towards the website in order to boost sales. Though it used multiple Facebook ad formats, video and carousel ads were the most successful. Video proved to be the perfect way to introduce the brand and its premise quickly and succinctly, while carousel ads—which can display up to 10 different product images or videos in one place—showcased Favi’s wide range of furnishing and design accessories.
In order to reach as many people in the Czech Republic as possible, Favi used Facebook’s precise targeting tools, including Custom Audiences and Lookalike Audiences. Custom Audiences are built from existing company databases, such as email or newsletter lists, while Lookalike Audiences are entirely new audiences made up of people who share similarities and interests with that core audience.
Favi also added dynamic ads to the mix—which display items from your product catalogue to people who have already expressed interest in your brand—Favi made sure it was advertising the right products to the right people: a wide audience of both established and prospective customers.
The mix of attention-grabbing carousel and video ads with robust audience-building and dynamic retargeting, Favi nearly tripled the amount of website traffic it received from Facebook. Between May–July 2017, the campaign achieved:

  • 2.6X increase in website traffic from Facebook

  • 2.1X increase in people reached

  • 600,000 people reached every day