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LJ Hooker - Generating Interest In The Local Area

25 October 2019

We sent one of our recent graduate recruits to find and explore an example of a business that has successfully utilised Facebook Ads. This is what he came back with...
Alex identified LJ Hooker as a company that's been able to get the most out of social media advertising. The numbers speak for themselves - They were able to expand their customer reach to over 7 million people, whilst also seeing a huge 18x return on ad spend. 
Who is LJ Hooker? They're one of Australia's biggest real estate brands. It turns out that they're quite a pioneer in this industry as not only were they were the first company to introduce real estate investment trusts in Australia but they're also the only real estate agency in the country to offer home loans. 
Getting to the number one position in any market is difficult, but holding that for a long period of time is what separates good companies from great ones. LJ Hooker saw Facebook ads as a way to maintain its pole position and increase their brand awareness while also generating more leads. 
LJ Hooker operates as a franchise across its network of 730 offices. In order to maintain consistency across all of them, they used a custom-built Facebook and Instagram advertising platform which allowed the same message to be delivered by all agents. This boosted their profiles within the local communities and generated relevant local leads.
The automated platform helped to free up their staff's time so that they could focus on delivering a high-quality service to help more leads be converted into customers. In order to drive sales in the local area, they used lead ads and link ads across Facebook and  Instagram during the months of September - November 2017.
Competitions are a fantastic way to increase engagement from potential customers. LJ Hooker ran a daily competition during this period, which allowed one customer who received a market update to be selected to randomly win $1,000. Not only was this used as promotional material but also encouraged customers to actively engage with the brand, which is crucial to success on social media.
The use of lead ads aimed at local people in the community helped LJ Hooker to connect with the right audience at an important time of year. This helped them to see outstanding results as within the 3 months they reached 7.2 million people, saw 18x return on ad spend and experienced a 7-point life in local brand awareness. 
These are huge numbers but they're not impossible to achieve. With the right strategy and effective implementation, you can see impressive results for your business as well. At Gather Social, we've helped numerous clients boost their social media presence and more drive traffic to their website. Contact us today to how we can help you!