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Instagram and Facebook Social Success: Amena

03 October 2019

Instagram has taken the world by storm in the last decade, and it now sits on the front page of many smartphones around the globe. In particular, Instagram Stories has received heaps of praise as a way for influencers and businesses to put their content in front of their potential consumers in a much more effective and subtle way. 
As highlighted in our recent social media event, there are over 400 million users watching Instagram Stories on a daily basis, that means 80% of all daily active Instagram users are watching Stories just as often as they’re checking their feed. 
The potential that this feature provides was recognised and capitalised upon by Amena, as the Spanish telecommunications operator saw purchase intent increase by 76% from the use of videos on Instagram Stories and Facebook. 
Amena was founded in 1999, but a takeover in 2005 saw the brand discontinued. Until it was brought back to life in 2012 by Orange España. Advertising on Instagram and Facebook allowed the brand to test the efficiency of online sales through social media, which is something that the Spanish telecom market doesn’t usually use as their main method to generate leads.

Actioning The Plan

Custom audiences were created to target Spanish people aged 18 and over who were interested in other low-cost products and brands - this increased the precision of their search and excluded existing Amena, Jazztel and Orange customers. They supplemented this by retargeting ads to people who had also recently visited Amena’s website.
Promoting famous personalities is a common and successful method used to relate to potential consumers. Amena used two huge Spanish personalities as the front of their campaign - David Bisbal and Boris Izaguirre, with the hope of increasing online conversions.
In order to optimise their creative assets for Facebook and Instagram Amena held a workshop with the Facebook Creative Shop team. This process involved recording vertical assets to suit the ratio of Instagram Stories and getting Spanish Influences to make actions and gestures that enticed people to swipe up or click. Both online and offline campaigns such as TV and other media ran simultaneously to make the most of all available channels.
The Facebook and Instagram campaign ran between November 4th - 30th, 2018. This resulted in:

    • 76% lift in purchase intent for both mobile and fixed lines compared to other online media channels


    • 936 incremental conversions based on purchase intent


    • €21 generated per each incremental conversion

To read more about how technology companies can be successful on social media click here!

Interested In Targeted Advertising on Social Media?

Through our high-level targeted Facebook and Instagram advertising expertise, expert content production, and an innovative in-house content delivery platform, we specialise in sharing your brand message on Social Media to exactly the audience you want to be viewing it, at the most effective times, for the most effective cost, to drive more sales and brand awareness to your business.
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