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Increasing sales with Facebook video ads for toucanBox

10 July 2020
toucanBox the educational subscription service aimed at children wanted to boost customer interaction and signups. Increasing sales with Facebook by creating engaging video ads for an Easter campaign toucanBox managed to get 10X more signups.

Unboxing creativity

toucanBox encourages children's creativity by delivering stimulating activities straight to their door. toucanBox wanted to launch a compelling campaign ahead of time that would drive a strong volume of signups for the monthly subscription service at a sustainably low cost per acquisition.

Increasing sales with Facebook video ads

To prepare for the campaign, toucanBox and Facebook Marketing Partner TRGT Digital defined an Easter-inspired creative strategy that used mobile-friendly vertical video based on previously tested themes, such as delivery and unboxing, and children getting involved in their creative projects. They created a number of videos and still photo ad variants along with these themes with different copy, with some focusing on price and some on short, simple messaging.
European audiences based on relevant interests and lookalikes of existing, high-value customers saw the ads across Facebook, Instagram and Messenger over a 24-day period. toucanBox monitored the performance of video and photo ads during the campaign and adjust budgets in favour of the best-performing audiences and ad creative. Video ads drove strong conversions at a fraction of the acquisition cost of still image ads.

Creating value with video

Thanks to compelling Easter-themed video ads and careful targeting, the March–April 2020 campaign achieved:

  • 2X increase in conversion rate, compared to previous months

  • 10X more signups, compared to previous months

  • 35% higher click-through rate with video ads

  • 70% lower cost per acquisition with video ads

If you enjoyed this blog, check out more just like it here. This blog was originally from Facebook.