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Double Down on Your Marketing

28 May 2021

A decade of digital transformations has happened in a single year due to Coronavirus. Now is the time to evolve your marketing team and double down on your marketing. Our online habits have all drastically changed within a year, so it’s time to adapt.

Marketing will pull your business through tough times just like coronavirus. Digital communication should be an essential part of your business all the way down to your marketing.

400,000 small businesses were forced to close during the last recession. So, use this as your sign to not let your business fall victim to the same pattern. Developing your marketing strategy should be the first thing on your to-do list and make sure you double down on your marketing to save your business from closing.

Time to think differently about social media

If you haven’t gathered yet, social media and social media marketing have had to change drastically in the space of a year. In the same way that restaurants and bars have had to develop takeaway and delivery services, you need to also change your marketing strategy to suit the times. 

Our phones are constantly in our hands, in our pockets and even on our desks these days. Have you thought about if your marketing is mobile friendly? It’s ok having a great piece of marketing material, but if it’s not mobile-friendly, it’s sadly not going to go very far. All marketing material should now be designed with mobiles as the main way of reaching potential customers. Our phone usage is at an all-time high, so creating a marketing strategy with this in mind is essential. This also means that you should be heavily utilising social media to help get your business out there because someone is always online.

Someone is always online

People are on the internet now more than ever. With working from home becoming much more of a common theme, internet traffic has never been so high. As a business, you should be looking at this trend and seeing how it can benefit your business the most. 

One of the greatest things about the internet is how much data you can collect from it. Collecting data from your customers and potential customers allows you to target your marketing much more specifically. The data you collect can also help you to easily judge which type of content is doing well and which type is not. Therefore you can use this to your advantage and only post content you know your audience is interested in being shown. Using creative ways to adjust to the change in people's online behaviours is a sure-fire way to ensure your business stays above water.

Link up with LinkedIn

Focusing on the social media platforms where you know your customers are, rather than trying to use them all, is a much more efficient way of making the most of your business. LinkedIn is a social media platform that you wouldn’t necessarily think to use as part of your marketing strategy. 

However, on LinkedIn not only does your business have lots of connections, but you can then use your employees’ accounts to connect with people too. Once you add up all of the connections, you’ll realise you have a large audience on LinkedIn where you can post content and reach more and more people. 

Don’t be a sitting duck

If you haven’t realised yet, it’s time to change your marketing strategy and embrace the digital revolution. Social media is the best tool when it’s not only used correctly but it must be used frequently in order to help boost your company.

If you need help in making your marketing strategy a disruption tactic, we’re running a free event in partnership with award winning recruitment agency, Macildowie. We’ll be sharing our insights and knowledge as an official Facebook Partner Agency, as well as helping you think about creating your next 10 years of growth for your business. So, give your business the best chance by signing up for FREE here.