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What’s Trending On TikTok This Month - February 2024

16 February 2024

Ready to up your TikTok game this month? We’re here to help! Each month we will share updates on the latest trends you should be doing to increase your presence on the popular platform. With trends coming and going as quickly as the next, you don’t want to miss out! 

UMG Music Trend

Earlier this month, TikTok and UMG were unable to come to an agreed contract. This led to UMG removing all of the music under their label from TikTok, resulting in lots of currently uploaded videos becoming muted, or with users replacing the sound with their own composition of the songs. But what does this mean? 

Because of the split, users of the app are creating their own versions of songs, or picking copyright-free music to go along with their videos. This seems to be the safe option going forward. If users don’t want their videos eventually muted, it could even push creators to become more musically creative creating many a ‘Starboy’ along the way (Starboy by the Weeknd will however be removed from the platform - awkward).

Looking ahead, it's evident that TikTok isn't afraid to lose music labels from their platform (though surely they prefer not to lose them all!). Perhaps you'll be inspired to compose your own song, perform a cover, or simply stick to copyright-free music. While this is a significant blow for TikTok, given that a large part of the platform relies on audio, there's still other music and opportunity.

If you think you’re getting away, I can prove you wrong

...It’s murder on the dancefloor.

I’m sure this song has been stuck in your head as much as it has in ours! With ‘Murder on the Dancefloor’ hitting an all-time high with the latest Netflix release of ‘Saltburn’, this is a trend guaranteed to get you noticed. 

Whether you choose to showcase your work culture with employees dancing around the office, or capture a funny situation where you would be dancing, this is sure to make viewers laugh and more than likely want to dance along. It also helps display a brand's personality and humorous side which in turn, customers love.

Rare Birthday Trend 

Birthdays are supposed to be all about you! But have you ever stopped to think about how many others might share this special day with you? A recent trend is shedding light on just that. It involves posting a carousel of two photos: the first one states, "You think your birthday is rare?" while the second reveals a screenshot indicating how many posts are tagged with your birthdate. The fewer, the better!

This trend offers a unique opportunity for viewers to learn more about the brand's history (and, of course, to celebrate your employees' birthdays). It's a fantastic way to showcase authenticity and just have some fun.

If you want to keep up to date with all things TikTok, make sure to come back each month and check out our blogs!