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What’s Trending On Tik Tok This Month - January 2024

12 January 2024

Looking for a boost of creativity on TikTok? You've come to the right place! Every month, we showcase what’s trending on TikTok to enhance your enjoyment and boost your social presence. And, with a New Year upon us, it provides new opportunities for you to elevate your TikTok game!

Kim K’s sound

Mixed with Britney’s iconic ‘Gimme More’ hit, this audio makes the perfect backing for a short but sweet (and maybe even sassy) clip. 

Whether you want to showcase a team member alongside their quirky traits or promote the benefits of one of your products, this trending sound is guaranteed to get you noticed. See how we recently used the audio for ourselves!

The 2023 season comes to an end

Having just waved goodbye to 2023, we love nothing more than reflecting upon the year in order to see how far we’ve come, what we’ve achieved and to plan ahead. 

This audio provides the perfect backdrop for a video/image montage of highlights. Whether it be a new product launch, team fun or day-to-day shenanigans, it’s a great way to showcase the successes of the year, whilst stepping into 2024 on a positive note!

Humour at its best

One thing we all know and love about TikTok is the hilarious audios which are used for relatable contexts. 

Jumping on a trend like this helps your brand to appear more personable, whilst showing that light-hearted humorous side which is bound to resonate with consumers. 

One audio we’ve been loving is this one, where someone can be heard discussing some expensive items they’ve recently bought. 

As we all know, after Christmas many of us are feeling the pinch of our pockets, so this could be used to joke about what you could’ve brought if you didn’t spend all your money on your brand's products. Be as playful as you like with it! 

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