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What are the key marketing dates for January 2024?

05 January 2024

Welcome to a brand new year filled with exciting marketing opportunities! As January unfolds, savvy marketers know that strategic planning is the key to unlocking success in the months ahead. In this blog post, we'll dive into the essential marketing dates for January 2024, providing insights, tips, and creative ideas to help you make the most of these pivotal moments. From notable holidays to industry-specific observances, stay ahead of the curve as we explore the key dates that can shape your marketing campaigns and set the tone for a successful year.

What is celebrated throughout the whole month?
Dry January

Dry January is a growing cultural phenomenon where individuals voluntarily abstain from consuming alcoholic beverages for the entire month of January. Originating as a public health campaign in the United Kingdom, the movement has gained global popularity, with people embracing it as a way to reset, recharge, and focus on personal well-being after the festive season.

How can this be used in a marketing strategy?

Catering to the growing demographic of individuals choosing to abstain from alcohol for the month, companies can highlight non-alcoholic alternatives, promote wellness products, or curate special offers on health-conscious services. Restaurants and bars can craft enticing mocktail menus, while fitness studios may tailor promotions to encourage participation in exercise routines.

Hashtags to use: #dryjan #dryjanuary


Veganuary is a global movement encouraging individuals to adopt a plant-based lifestyle for the entire month of January. This initiative aims to inspire people to explore the many benefits of a vegan diet, promoting sustainability, ethical consumption, and improved personal health. Participants commit to abstaining from animal products, embracing a diverse range of plant-based foods, and experiencing the positive impacts of their dietary choices. 

How can this be used in a marketing strategy?

Some of our suggestions include crafting engaging content that showcases the ethical and environmental benefits of adopting a vegan lifestyle and providing insights into your brand's commitment to sustainability. Collaborate with influencers or partner with vegan advocates to amplify your message and reach a broader audience. Consider running special promotions or discounts on vegan products throughout the month, encouraging your audience to explore cruelty-free alternatives. Or document employees from your business that are taking part.

Hashtags to use: #veganuary #vegan 

Key Dates
Blue Monday
15th January 2024

Blue Monday is a term coined to describe the third Monday in January, often referred to as the "most depressing day of the year." This designation is based on a formula that takes into account factors like weather conditions, debt level, time since Christmas, and the realisation that New Year's resolutions may have been broken.

How can this be used in a marketing strategy?

Businesses can leverage Blue Monday in their social media strategy by empathetically acknowledging the collective mood while offering positive and uplifting content. Here are some examples:

  • Sharing wellness tips and resources
  • Promotional offers on products and services that promote relaxation, comfort or well-being
  • Interactive content related to self-care
  • Share motivational quotes
  • Share behind-the-scenes content to humanise your brand and show how your team is combating Blue Monday

Hashtags to use: #bluemonday #beattheblues

National Cheese Lovers Day
20th January 2024

Whether enjoyed on its own, paired with fine wines, or incorporated into mouth-watering recipes, National Cheese Lovers Day invites individuals to indulge in their favourite fromage and share their cheesy passions with fellow fans. It's a day to savour and appreciate the artistry behind this timeless and beloved culinary treasure.

How can this be used in a marketing strategy?

Businesses can creatively leverage National Cheese Lovers Day in their social media strategy to engage and delight their audience. Why not share UGC campaigns to encourage followers to share their cheese-centric moments, whether it's a cheese platter they've created, a favourite cheese recipe, or a cheese-related experience. Or Facilitate a cheese recipe exchange among your followers. Encourage them to share their favourite cheese recipes or dishes, creating a sense of community and fostering interaction.

You could even partner with food influencers or cheese experts for collaborative content. This can include live tastings, Q&A sessions, or even cooking demonstrations featuring cheese-centric recipes. The cheesy possibilities are endless!

Hashtags to use: #cheeseloversday #saycheese

International Day of Education
24th January 2024

International Day of Education serves as a global reminder of education's vital role in fostering peace, sustainable development, and human prosperity. Established by the United Nations, this day recognises the transformative power of education in breaking the cycle of poverty, promoting equality, and building a more inclusive and just world.

How can this be used in a marketing strategy?

Businesses can align with this important day in their social media strategy by sharing informative and educational content related to their industry or expertise. This could include tips, how-to guides, or insights that provide value to your audience and emphasise the importance of continuous learning. Or what about partnering with a charity that works to bring education to those less fortunate? 

Here are some examples of charities that believe education should be accessible to all:

Hashtags to use: #educationforall #empowerthrougheducation

In conclusion, by weaving these key dates into your social media strategy, you not only enhance brand visibility but also contribute to a broader conversation, fostering community engagement and leaving a positive impact. As we navigate the marketing calendar, let's seize the opportunity to inspire, inform, and delight, setting the tone for a successful and socially conscious year ahead.

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