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What’s New In Social Media - July 2022

22 July 2022

It’s July and we’ve got all of the latest social media updates and changes. Social media is constantly growing and evolving and it can be hard to keep up with it. Don’t worry though, we’ve got you covered. This blog will take you through the most important things that are new within social media this month.

Twitter’s Campaign Planner

Twitter is launching a campaign planner to help its user’s ad strategies. This is only open to some Twitter partners across the world so far, but this will grow and eventually be available for everyone. The way it works is by allowing people to see a prediction of their campaign results based on variables before it’s even started. As well as the results, its functions include showing an estimate of the budget needed from their data, so campaigns will run when the advertiser likes what they see on the campaign planner. However, how accurate will these forecasts be? We look forward to seeing how this evolves in the future!

Publishing Instagram Reels from third-party platforms

Instagram has now opened up its reel’s API access, so now third-party platforms will be able to publish and manage these, getting those all-important insights and control. Such as scheduling posts, deleting comments and so much more. In fact, by the end of July, all Instagram accounts should be able to have third-party platforms doing this if they’d like. We also think that Instagram is starting to replace video content with reels; people can easily use the same music you used to create yours, and that’s how trends similar to the ones we see on TikTok start. Watch this space! As well as this, don’t forget to always shoot videos in portrait for Instagram, they’ve also released a guide on how to build a connected brand, something you don’t want to miss!

TikTok’s Ads Attribution Manager

This allows creators to set custom attribution windows for their videos. This allows creators and advertisers to choose a specific time to see and measure the video’s engagement and interactions. More specifically creators will be able to see their seven-day click and one-day view data, this is important. However, there may be some issues with the in-app tracking, as an Apple update has given users an option to not have in-app tracking tools. Do you know if you have agreed to this?

Facebook Live’s Community Managers

Livestreams on Facebook can often be ruined with abuse, that’s what community managers are for. They will be able to check the comments during streams and delete ones that are unnecessary or abusive. For repeat offenders, they even have the power to ban them! They will also receive a badge during the stream to those watching know who they are. This will provide you with some support and will help protect you and your account from spam or abuse. 

Meta’s new crypto features

Meta has got two new crypto features; they have announced a new digital payment and NFTs (digital collectables) updates. The concept is that Meta will have wallets to manage your purchases, they are thinking about what users will want to purchase and the future. This can be anything and everything since it is online. Looking ahead, these types of features will eventually become compatible across many online platforms. They also want to alter how NFTs are displayed on their own platform, with their initial test starting on Instagram, initially on their stories and will eventually move onto Facebook too so NFTs can be shared between these platforms. These will again help with posting on both platforms and improving the number of people creators can reach. In fact, Meta will have a dedicated market for these NFTs to be swapped, with hopes this can all be done easily.

You’re all caught up for the month of July! There are some really exciting features to look out for. Have you noticed any yet? To learn more about these social media platforms visit the Gather Social website, or to read another blog, click here.