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What are the key marketing dates in July 2022?

30 June 2022

Summer has finally come around the corner ready for a jam-packed July 2022. There are so many marketing opportunities and activities that your business can take advantage of this July. This blog will highlight some important days within July you can take part in supporting or even doing yourself, at the office, at home - wherever you like!

July 2022

Throughout July several awareness days carry on throughout the whole month. 

There are also specific days to be aware of that you and your business could join in on celebrating and supporting.

Plastic Free July - Across the world millions of people are trying to reduce the amount of plastic waste by refusing single-use plastic, such as shopping bags, straws, and plastic cutlery. Let’s make a stand together and stop using single-use plastics when there are environmentally friendly options out there. For example a tote bag, bamboo or metal straws, and cutlery. 

National Picnic Month - Enjoy the summer weather by joining in with national picnic month, release the relaxed summer you on your lunch break, or why not even take your dinner outside to enjoy the lovely weather.

Independent Retailer Month - Let's celebrate independent retailers, new and old, together by supporting them in any way we can. This can be by sharing their social media or purchasing one of their lovely products or services. Independent Retailers are very important as they contribute to the economy and their local communities.


1st July 2022 

Pride is usually celebrated in June, but in 2022 the designated day has landed on the 1st of July. There will still be month-long celebrations in June, so why not join in on those as well. Having Pride is giving the LGBTQIA+ community the chance to celebrate their identity. This is something that throughout history and still some cultures is frowned upon. Therefore, the support and ability to celebrate this freedom highlights the progressive world we live in.

Keynote: Remember to carry on the support, through your business, after the designated day is over. In doing so, your customers and clients are likely to see your business's core values and full support for LGBTQIA+. It also highlights you aren’t just jumping on the Pride month support bandwagon, as this could imply false support and negativity towards your business.

Hashtags your business could use:

#pride #pridemonth #lovewins #pride2022

World Chocolate Day

7th July 2022 

I think we can all agree that we all look forward to World Chocolate Day, it is definitely the yummiest day. So, why not take advantage and join in on the fun! 

To celebrate this in your business, why not:

  • Ask your social media followers about their favourite chocolate brand?
  • You could host a chocolate tasting
  • Use hashtags (see suggestions below)


World Chocolate Day was introduced in Europe, in 1550. However, this was formally picked up again in 2009. 

Hashtags your business could use:

#chocolatelover #darkchocolate #whitechocolate #milkchocolate #chocolate #day #world #chocolateaddict

Social Media Giving Day

15th July 2022 

Social Media Giving Day is globally celebrated. The objective of this day is to celebrate and promote social media platforms. But it isn’t just about social media platforms, it is about using social media to support and promote charities through donations, following, and sharing what they are doing. This is intended to increase the public's awareness of the charities and suggest the significance of fundraising. 


This day was created by, which is a fundraising platform used via Twitter, in 2013. wanted to inspire people to donate to charities using social media.

Social media has started to take part in increasing certain problems, such as mental health. However, by joining in with this day, yes you’ll be supporting charities, but you'll also be showing that social media can be used for good. If your business doesn’t have the spare cash to donate, why not use relevant hashtags in use posts or have a weekly story on supporting charities? It is an easy way to bring this one day into being celebrated throughout the whole year. 

Hashtags your business could use:

#socialmediagivingday #giving #charities #supportcharities 

Emoji Day

17th July 2022

First things first, let me explain what an emoji is and a short history, as many of you might be questioning the relevance of this day. 

Did you know you’ve been using Japanese in your everyday language? No? Well, you have, as the word: Emoji is a Japanese word for ‘figurative characters’. An emoji is a Unicode pictogram and is used within text messages and general digital communications. They were developed in 1999 by an interface designer called Shigetaka Kurita.

Emojis VS Emoticons

Believe it or not, these are different. An emoticon was developed in 1982 and has an overall advantage as they are recognised by all browsers and devices. Whereas emojis are unrecognisable on certain devices; emojis are a lot nicer to look at!

Therefore, Emoji Day could be seen as irrelevant to your company, but why not try to insert it into your marketing technique? It has been found that including emojis within an email subject line improves engagement of a general email or marketing email (which is sent to your customers).

Fun Fact:

The date, 17th of July, was chosen due to the popular calendar emoji having the number “17” on it.

World Vanilla Ice Cream Day

23rd July 2022 

In the hot weather of July, why not join in on the celebrations of National Vanilla Ice Cream Day and indulge with the rest of the company? You could sprinkle anything you like on your ice cream, to make it as exciting or as plain as you like.


Believe it or not, President Ronald Reagan, in 1984, announced July National Ice Cream Month. This then led to National Vanilla Ice Cream Day becoming a date to put in the diary.

How can your business promote National Vanilla Ice Cream Day:

Your business could use this as a marketing opportunity by giving out free or discounted ice creams to employees and customers. You could also use this opportunity to market your business culture to potential employees, by going out for a group ice cream during your lunch or after work. 

Hashtags your business could use:

#IceCreamForLife, #IloveIceCream, #IceCreamDay, #IScreamYouScream, #NationalIceCreamDay2022 and #IceCreamForLife.

We hope this blog was helpful for your business and you’ll be adding some new dates to your diaries! Click here to visit our recent blog on ‘What’s trending on TikTok this month? - July 2022’.