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What are the key marketing dates for August 2023?

01 August 2023

Another month has flown by, and I think it’s safe to say that we are still waiting for the summer weather to catch up. You’ll be pleased to know that August includes our last Bank Holiday at the end of the month, so hopefully you’re one of the lucky ones that can spend with family and friends! As well as a Bank Holiday, August holds some exciting key marketing dates that you will be able to use for your business’s marketing strategy. Keep reading to find out what they are…

National Blogger Day

5th August 2023

Blogger Day, is celebrated on August 5th. It empowers individuals to express themselves personally or professionally, making it a significant platform for sharing information and diverse topics. 

Businesses could use this day as an opportunity to engage with bloggers that work in a thriving community, to build relationships, and gain exposure among audiences that trust and value a blogger's opinion and recommendation. 

What’s stopping your business from writing a blog? 


#NationalBloggerDay #Bloggers #Blog #DailyBlog

National Vlogging Day

10th August 2023

As time has moved on in the world of technology, blogging, although still a strong digital technique, has turned into vlogging. What is the difference you might ask? Well, blogging is writing and publishing content on a website, while vlogging is creating and sharing video content on platforms, like YouTube.

Businesses should consider getting involved in National Vlogging Day for marketing purposes due to the growing impact of video content in the digital landscape. Additionally, businesses will be able to showcase their products or services, sharing them with a wider audience and gaining potential customers, engagement, and website traffic from this.

To learn about the history of vlogging, click here.

Hashtags: #NationalVloggingDay #Vlogger #VideoContent

World Photography Day

19th August 2023

World Photography Day is a day for global observance where photography enthusiasts, professionals, and hobbyists come together to appreciate the power of images in capturing moments, telling stories, and preserving memories.

By participating in World Photography Day, businesses can enhance their brand storytelling, engage with their audience, and create a strong visual identity that resonates with customers. This involvement also provides an opportunity for businesses to showcase their products or services through captivating visuals, which can significantly improve their online presence and social media engagement.

Hashtags to use: #WorldPhotographyDay #photography


FIFA Women’s World Cup Final

20th August 2023

Throughout August there is going to be a build-up to the FIFA Women’s World Cup Final. This is exciting in many ways, but mainly as Women’s sport is becoming more popular and celebrated! This positivity is a great indicator of how feminism and equality has progressed through the years, and it’s a great opportunity for businesses to show their support for women's sports in general. 

Businesses big and small should make sure to show their support for the FIFA Women’s World Cup Final in any way they can, whether that’s through merchandise or speaking about it on social media. This is a great opportunity for brand awareness and engagement, as well as showing that your business supports the progress equality has made and will continue to make through the years to come.

Hashtags: #FIFAWomen’sWorldCupFinal #Women’sWorldCup #Women’sSport

International Dog Day

26th August 2023

International Dog Day is an annual celebration dedicated to honouring and appreciating man's best friend. This special day acknowledges the bond between humans and their furry friends, as well as the importance of promoting animal welfare and adoption. It's a global occasion for dog lovers to share their love and gratitude for the companionship, loyalty, and unconditional love that dogs bring into their lives.

International Dog Day is a perfect day for businesses to donate the relevant charities or show general support, and share their own stories and images, whether that be with an office dog, or the team’s family dogs. As well as helping the business's brand image, the business will also be able to connect with communities and demonstrate their support towards social causes. 

I mean, who wouldn’t love a business that supports our furry friends?

Hashtags: #InternationalDogDay #dogs #pups #officedog

Don’t forget to keep an eye out for next month's blog. In the meantime, head to our blog page to read more of our blogs that can help your business. Or why not visit our website to find out how we can elevate your business’s marketing strategy today?