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Social Success for B2B beverage Preservation Product

28 January 2019

At Gather Social, we like to let our results speak for themselves. In this blog post well be taking you through the results seen by our client who offer an innovative B2B beverage preservation product.

Website traffic acquisition

In just 2 months, we saw a strong website traffic growth from social media which drove improvement to both paid search and organic search. Social media became the top traffic acquisition source into the website with total growth of 905%, there was also a total traffic increase to the website of 170%. Paid for search improvements also rose by 162% and there has been an improved organic search performance 206%.
These are very encouraging results, and it is clear that our social media campaign has caused an increased level of activity in google, which is translated by the increase in paid and organic search, put simply, more people are seeing the content, visiting the website and looking for the product online!

Campaign Stability

Overall, our client's social media continued to grow while all other improvements stabilised and within a natural degree of variance, improvements maintained with the overall traffic to the site continuing to grow by 11% month on month.
Would you like to see similar results for your B2B organisation? Get in contact with us today, at Gather Social, we are experts in disrupting marketing strategies, giving you better results at the most effective cost for you and your business. We specialise in sharing your brand message to the right audience to drive more sales and increase your website users all while receiving an honest service from our straight talking team.
Find out more about how Gather Social can support you by getting in contact with us today. You can drop us an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or give us a call on 0115 8374750.