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Product Research on Social Media

21 January 2022

In 2020, 42% of people used social media for product research and specifically 16 to 24-year-olds already conduct more product research on social than on search engines. Social Media platforms have embraced their new role as product research channels applying features to showcasing brands and their products. For instance, Facebook Ads is an alternative to Google Ads, YouTube is the website for learning about new products and how to use them and Instagram offers Shoppable posts. 

Social media platforms are constantly expanding and evolving meaning there are more and more product marketing opportunities out there. In order to figure out which platforms are key to your marketing strategy, firstly determine which social channels your specific audience is using. Then create a strategy that markets your product on their preferred platforms.

Why is shopper research important?

Shopper research is essential to gaining a better understanding of the customer journey from initial searches to website visits and final purchases. Since the rise of digital and mobile-first interactions, the customer journey now includes multiple paths and touchpoints from start to finish. Prospective buyers might discover your brand from word of mouth but then do their research on social media, and eventually, they may interact with your e-commerce store through their mobile device.

By understanding all touchpoints along the customer journey, business owners can control interactions with their customers, ensuring all processes are seamless and streamlined and increase overall ROI.

Shopper insights reveal social media research habits

It may seem like Facebook is the market leader when it comes to product research, closely followed by YouTube. However, part of the reason why Facebook and YouTube rank so highly is because of their installed user base. Facebook has three times the user base of Instagram.

Interestingly users on Pinterest and Reddit tend to be much more engaged within their social community. While LinkedIn relies on authenticity and authority to inspire confidence and Twitter is all about what’s trending this minute. It’s worth considering each platform due to their features having different benefits for product research.

Identifying the right platforms for your business

It’s a good idea to focus on which social media platforms your audiences already align well with your brand. It seems, broader audiences are actively searching for products or investigating brands on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Pinterest but Reddit and Twitter users tend to be more trend-focused. Similarly, if you're marketing a B2B company, you might see better results from ads on a professional network like LinkedIn. 

As you can see, product research is critical on social media, and it’s especially important to identify what platforms your audiences are using so you can market your products accordingly. If you enjoyed this blog and want to learn more about using social media for your brand, then head over to our website and read more of our blogs.