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How the TikTok algorithm works in 2022 

27 May 2022

When it comes to the TikTok algorithm it can be hard to get to grips with how to gain success. As a brand, there are some things that you can be doing to improve your odds of showing up within this crowded area. 

How does the TikTok algorithm work?

Algorithms are an important way for social media platforms to draw us in and keep us interested. As for TikTok, they do not want spammers or any shady characters to trick the algorithm so they gain more attention than those who may deserve it more. There are some key things you can do to rank higher in the algorithm. 

  1. User Interactions 

Similar to the Instagram algorithm, the TikTok algorithm is based on what a user interacts with. The ‘For You Page’ on TikTok recommends content based on: 

  • The accounts that you follow 
  • The accounts that you have hidden 
  • The Videos they have commented on 
  • Videos they have shared 
    2.  Discover tab 

Video information signals are based on the content you seek out on the discover tab. These details include: 

  • Captions 
  • Sounds being used 
  • Hashtags 
  • Effects used 
  • Topics that are trending 

Making sure you think about these areas is important when creating content that will sit well in the algorithm.

3. Account settings 

Another area you should look at as a brand is your account settings. These settings that TikTok uses to optimise performance. The settings you should be looking at are: 

  • Language preferences
  • Country settings 
  • The type of mobile device 
  • The categories of interest you select when setting up the new account. 

3 tips for working with the 2022 algorithm 

TikTok Pro account  

TikTok offers you the choice of two types of pro account, this depends on whether you’re a creator or a business/brand. Just having a pro account on its own won’t get your videos on the ‘For You Page’ but swapping to one is an important part of mastering the TikTok algorithm. 

A Creator or Business account will give you access to metrics and insights that can help you gain an understanding of your TikTok strategy. This will help you understand your audience and what content they are enjoying, so on your next TikTok content day, this is something you should be looking at to make the best content for your audience and the algorithm. 

Catch the eye of your audience

As we all know, TikTok moves fast, the hook of your video needs to catch the eye of the audience. You can do this by ensuring the first seconds of your video show value. Hootsuite stat shows that ‘Opening a TikTok video with a powerful emotion such as surprise created a 1.7x lift over content that started with a neutral expression’. This is important to remember!

Find your niche 

It’s great to find existing communities to engage with within TikTok. This is because unlike other social media platforms the audiences tend to spend more time engaging with accounts they do not follow via the ‘For You Page’. So tapping into a niche can help you find your audience!

If you need help building your TikTok account or understanding the algorithm, then get in touch today.