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Furlenco, making themselves at home with mobile marketing

30 July 2021

Popular Indian furniture company, Furlenco, improved acquisition costs by 50% using Facebook ads. Read more to find out how the brand accomplished such profound results.

Quality furniture for a fraction of the cost

Award-winning Indian furniture company, Furlenco, provides a super easy furniture rental service online, from the comfort of your own home. All of the furniture they provide is designed by multiple urban-living inspired experts. From large furniture items to small home decor, Furlenco offers a wide range of home essentials across India.

Showcasing a simple furniture solution

Furlenco’s main objective was to adopt a theme of ‘better living for a smaller cost’, in order to appeal to those who didn’t necessarily have the money to purchase large items of furniture for Diwali. In addition to this, they also wanted to show that it’s just as easy to rent home essentials for the festive period.

Giving customers that home-sweet-home feeling

Furlenco discreetly used the current trend of home-refurbishing during the Diwali season to create a broad campaign that shows people making over their homes with Furlenco. It showcased the process of them discovering the brand to the purchasing of one of their furniture packages. Furlenco’s target audience was 21 to 34-year-olds from an urban background, with interests such as home decor and semi-expensive goods. 

With everything being done on mobile nowadays, Furlenco decided to design their campaign purely for mobile, to reach potential customers and build on their brand awareness. The company decided to start pushing their campaign 2 weeks before Diwali so that their consumers would have plenty of time to upgrade their homes.

Utilising the video view ad objective option allowed Furlenco to create longer videos of relatable people enjoying their newly improved homes, and automatically target these ads to the most appropriate audience. In addition to long videos, they also decided to use shorter video ads in the GIF format and tailored these for Instagram Stories to provide a more attention-grabbing experience for their audience.

Using one of Facebook’s most popular and innovative tools, the Facebook pixel, on their website, allowed Furlenco to track their visitors’ behaviour online. This further gave them the information to target dynamic ads to a much broader audience that featured relevant products and current offers to the individual that had previously visited their page. To secure more subscriptions to their service, they also used custom audiences to target audiences who had either viewed their ads already or placed one of their items in the cart but not checked out. 

Finally, to produce the best outcomes for their campaign, they created lookalike audiences of their website visitors to achieve an even wider reach and then applied automatic placements to run ads across Facebook, Instagram and Audience Network. 

Mobile marketing = comfortable results 

By appealing to those who may not be able to spend large sums of money on furniture for the festive season, and by creating custom audiences and lookalike audiences to target such a wide range of mobile users, Furlenco were able to double their reach and triple their click-through rate. With impressive results like these, it’s easy to see just how effective mobile marketing truly is.

This blog was originally published by Facebook. For more interesting blogs on social success, click here.