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A year like no other, creative roundup

22 January 2021

There’s no doubt that 2020 was a really weird year. However, it didn’t stop creatives from doing what they do best, even if they had to do it from home. Better yet, some even used their creative skills for good, making us shed a tear or two. (Heinz, we’re looking at you). Here are a few of our favourite creative ads of 2020. 

Heinz, Silence The Rumble

Heinz created this animated piece, highlighting the reality that lots of children are faced with- hunger. This ad was in collaboration with Magic Breakfast, a charity providing breakfasts to hungry schoolchildren. Heinz created a powerful, emotive ad, showcasing Jess, who is haunted by her hunger in the form of a monster on the way to school. This year has been a real struggle for a lot of people and Heinz really hit the mark with this one.


Cadbury, This doesn’t need to end

Never one to shy away from a powerful ad, Cadbury did it again. Giving us scenes of home baking, clapping for the NHS and the real struggles of lonely people during lockdown. An ad that will bring a tear to the eye of most. 


Ikea, The Hare

‘Tomorrow Starts Tonight.’ say IKEA, as they show us the importance of good night sleep. This story follows the ‘untold prequel’ to the classic tale of The Tortoise and The Hare. IKEA show us how to turn our bedrooms into a sleep sanctuary which will, in turn, give us a perfect tomorrow. A clever twist on the classic story, and as 2020 was the year of home improvement, is quite fitting. 


McCain, Here’s to love 2020

Another emotional one, highlighting how we had to adapt and overcome during lockdown. ‘Work from home desks turned back into dining tables’ narrated McCain, as they encouraged us to spend quality time with each other, and make ‘nights in, feel like nights out.’ This is a great ad, which really captured the thoughts of the nation and how we had collectively been feeling this year. 


John Lewis, Give a Little Love

We had to mention it. The highly anticipated John Lewis Christmas Ad. They changed it up a bit this year, and launched it on National Kindness Day, encouraging the nation to ‘give a little love’. All scenes are connected by characters passing a heart on to show how small moments of kindness can make the world a better place. They even included a nod to social distancing with two neighbours passing a really long cracker between their windows. 


What have your favourite ads of 2020 been? Have we missed any that you think deserve a mention? Let us know. If you’d like to see some more of our thoughts- read a few more of our blog posts.