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Gather Social's Facebook Advertising Event

05 January 2022

Don’t miss out on our amazing event - keep reading to learn more. Click here to sign up now! 

Facebook advertising gives every business the opportunity to reach new and existing customers whilst they are scrolling online. It puts your business at the forefront of your customers day and if you aren’t doing it yet, then you should definitely be thinking about it.

After all, Facebook advertising for beginners or even seasoned marketers is possibly the most effective way to promote your products to more than 2.6 billion people around the world. You’ll be able to target specific audiences in any niche with Facebook ads, so you’ll gain a lot of vital information from this Facebook advertising event.

Adults in the UK spend, on average, over 4 hours per day on their phones, your content strategy should bear this in mind and if you aren't considering mobile-first then this webinar will change your mindset. This provides huge opportunities for businesses to reach people who could be interested in their products or services at the exact time they are looking.

If you’re just a beginner, it may seem a bit complicated. But don’t worry, this event will take you through the steps of getting started.

This event will cover:

  1. Why Facebook advertising is essential for your business
  2. Important factors for high performing ads
  3. How to get started with content (what do you actually need)
  4. Content top tips (backed by real data)
  5. Types of audiences
  6. Building your perfect audience
  7. Using your data to build an audience
  8. Different types of campaigns
  9. How to make a campaign
  10. How to analyse your data and create reports
  11. Questions
Who should attend this workshop?

Anyone using, or considering using, Facebook advertising to increase their businesses visibility online, or increase the brand awareness of their company.

This event will look at how B2B and B2C advertising is different across these platforms, and how each could relate to your business.

Who is Gather Social?

“Facebook Advertising: Everything you need to know to get started” is brought to you by Gather Social. Based in Nottingham, UK, Gather Social is a hybrid social media marketing agency and Facebook agency partner with a team of young creative staff and a bespoke social platform. Founded seven years ago, Managing Director Samuel Evans aimed to disrupt the marketing industry by putting social media at the forefront of everything we do.

Facebook Advertising experts and Gather employees Juliet Leah and Danielle Tucker will cover everything from building audiences to analysing creative to driving optimal results.

Juliet Leah - Digital Marketing Manager

Juliet graduated in 2018 with a degree in Marketing. She has worked for Gather Social for over 3 years and has worked closely with a wide range of clients, building campaigns worth millions of pounds. Juliet has been delivering Facebook training for over 2 years and specialises in analysing and understanding the creative to drive optimal results.

Danielle Tucker - Creative Content Lead

Danielle graduated in 2019 with a degree in Fashion Communication and Promotion. She has worked at Gather Social for over 2 years and has worked closely with a wide range of clients, building campaigns with her specialism being the creative side of the ads.

Danielle specialises in creative concepts and creating audiences. She analyses the creative and optimises campaigns based on results.

We look forward to you joining us for this amazing event! If you can't make it, be sure to check out our Eventbrite for more available dates and follow us to keep up to date with future Gather Social events.

This event will be running on the 27th January 2022 at 10am and the 1st February 2022 at 2pm.

Don’t miss out. Click here to sign up now!