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Celebrate Black History Month on Social Media

11 October 2021

October is Black History Month in the UK. This is the perfect opportunity to use Social Media to educate your audience, uplift Black creators, and advocate for change. Although Black History should be celebrated every day rather than one month out of the year. October is the annual recognition of the history, achievement and influence of the black community. 

In 2021, it’s not as simple as posting a Martin Luther King Jr. quote, Brands and Creators need to go beyond that and provide genuine value. Here are 5 ways brands and creators can honour Black History Month on their social media platforms.

1. Creator Q&As

Putting Black creators, Black-owned brands and entrepreneurs in your industry in the spotlight can be an excellent way to introduce your audience to new people they can support. Hosting a live Q&A event with a Black Creator over Instagram Live, Facebook Live or even Zoom could be a fun and interactive idea. Or create a carousel post series showcasing a Black Creator on each slide. Show off their work and why you find them inspirational! 

2. History Lessons

A Black history lesson could be a unique way to celebrate Black History Month on your social media platform. However, we encourage you to do your research and think outside the box. Most brands would think to feature great historical figures such as Martin Luther King Jr. or Rosa Parks, we urge you to go beyond the obvious choices.

Also, try to choose someone famous who’s related to your industry or niche. For example, if you’re a small business, founded by a female, you could feature Madam C.J. Walker, America’s first self-made female millionaire.

3. Amplify Black Voices

Don’t be afraid to pass the mic to deserved Black voices! An Instagram Story Takeover where Black creators, entrepreneurs, and industry leaders spread their message and speak about their personal experiences would be a cool idea.

In June 2020, singer Selena Gomez allowed Black activists and educators to take over her Instagram account. With over 200 million followers, this was a perfect opportunity for them to share their perspectives on what was happening in America at the time and to educate Selena’s huge following.


Posts including Inspirational quotes are frequently shared across social media and drive engagement for brands and creators. There are so many inspirational Black voices and leaders, and what better time to share their quotes than during Black History Month. Quotes are also a simple way of encouraging deeper conversations, use discussion prompts in your caption and engage in the comments to learn more about Black History and what it means to other people.

5. Support the Black Community

Black History Month is a chance to raise awareness about local nonprofits, charities and organisations and offer monetary support. Take the opportunity to share petitions to gain extra signatures and links to JustGiving sites for opportunities to donate to a worthy cause.

This October, keep our tips in mind when creating content to celebrate Black History Month on social media! Did you find this blog interesting? You can find more to read on our website. Click here to find out more.