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4 steps to sustaining your LinkedIn strategy

04 February 2022

LinkedIn is the most unique Social Media platform of all. Combining the power of business pages with employees’ personal profiles is essential and a good Linkedin strategy will go a long way. In this blog, you’ll learn how to use Linkedin to your advantage.

Organising your LinkedIn strategy isn’t dissimilar to preparing for a work presentation. Use these steps to present your company and personal brand in the best way possible, and build your network in the process:

1. Build your audience:

LinkedIn is the only Social Media platform where personal and professional networking cross paths. A thorough LinkedIn strategy should include both the power of a business page and the employee’s personal account and connections.

Linkedin company pages are a useful tool for brand awareness and sharing company/industry news. However, company pages tend to receive less engagement. Personal profiles, like employee ones, help to match faces to ideas and will in turn receive higher engagement. This is why it is so important to incorporate employee accounts into your company Linkedin strategy.

As Katie Mitchell, head of marketing at UserLeap, says “company pages get very little viral reach compared to personal pages...we prioritize all of our content on personal pages and try to flow traffic back to the company page.

2. Get your team involved:

The LinkedIn algorithm relies on interactions and engagement. Getting your team involved in the marketing process will make a huge difference in your growth and will increase your chances of success on Linkedin. 

If and when you can, encourage employees to post on their own LinkedIn accounts. They could share individual expertise or even comment on a company post adding their own opinion. 

Make use of the LinkedIn company page’s “Notify Employees” feature, which sends a message to a small group of your team. Or spread the message internally through email communications. Whatever you do, it should be common practice for every employee to shout from the rooftops when exciting things are happening within your company. Even if it’s just asking the team to like and share company posts.

How you choose to notify your employees, make sure it’s done as fast as possible. Early engagement is crucial on Linkedin. They call it the ‘Golden Hour’. If no one has reacted or commented on your post within the first 60 mins of posting, it is likely to perform badly and get low engagement.

3. Don’t be afraid to experiment:

Everyone has their individual preferences. Some people resonate with a wordy well-written LinkedIn post, whilst others are more drawn by visuals and may prefer to see video on their news feed. To cater to a wider range of people, it’s essential to play around with differing post formats. Here are a few formats you should try out:

Text-only post - Don’t underestimate the power of a text-only post. There is such a thing as too much media and sometimes text is enough to reel people in.

Multimedia - Using images, video, and LinkedIn Live can grab people’s attention as they scroll through their feed. According to LinkedIn’s 2020 Sophisticated Marketer’s Guide, people retain 50% more information if a relevant image is included in a Linkedin post!

Stories - Stories are now available on LinkedIn for personal profiles and company pages worldwide. Just like Instagram, this format lets you post photos and videos (up to 20 seconds duration) for 24-hours and can be created immediately in LinkedIn’s mobile app.

4. Use analytics to perfect your content:

Use Linkedin analytics to monitor your efforts and see what your audience is loving or not loving. This information is super useful to influence future decisions and content choices. For example, if your posts including images are proving successful in analytics then continue this in future. 

To access your company page analytics on LinkedIn, click on ‘Me’ (under your profile image), select ‘Company: [your company page name]’, and choose Analytics from the menu bar. You’ll see the last 30 days of activity for unique visitors, new followers, post impressions, and custom button clicks on the left-hand side of the Analytics home page.

LinkedIn is a unique social media platform and a clear strategy can pay off fast. Following these steps and sustaining your plan will allow you and your business to gain traction on LinkedIn. Did you enjoy this blog and learn something new about social media? You can find more blogs just like this by clicking here.